12- Oh no

11 1 4

He inserted the bullet into himself. His small squeak startled me as I felt my face run pale. Blood ran down as he walked towards me, his smile dripping with blood.

"No!" I screamed, running to him, "Taylor!"

He tried to shoot himself another time, but I ended up getting shot in the arm. I grabbed him by the waist and threw the gun into the wall of the plane.

"Shit!" Shit! Shit!" I nervously clamored as I laid him down on top of the cargo boxes, and tried figuring out how to address the wound. "Taylor!"

"This was a bad idea." Taylor laughed, tears started to stream down his face as he laughed, "I don't think I'm ready to die."

"Oh Taylor." I said while my eyes threatened to leak salty water, "You can't leave me."

"But, that isn't in your hands," He proclaimed, "My love confession was a tad too much."

"No." I said, staring past his gloomy eyes. "Anyways, I love you too, Taylor Smith."

At that moment my eyes couldn't hold it in anymore. Started to cry, tears leaked on to Taylor's body as Isie walked back in.

"What did I- oh-" Isie said, eyes following Taylor's movements. "That can't be goo-"

"Go get the others! Hurry" I screamed, tears exploding from my eyes

"Erm- Uh- Got it!" She said, opening the door in a panic and running out into the distance.

"I-I-I love you." Taylor said, his face buried in my shoulder. My blood-caked shoulder "And, I'll miss you."

"No! You are staying right here with me!" I cried, tears flowing even faster, "I- I love you too."

Just then, he shuddered into a cough, blood misting out of his mouth every time he emitted that noise. His body now remained seemingly lifeless as his head dropped onto the metal sheet-table.

"No!" I screamed, my eyes practically flooding with tears, "I love you! Don't leave me!"

I cried until I couldn't no more, A single tear dropped from my eye, and the glittery substance glew on the impact of plopping on hitting the skin. I held him close, cradled in my arms as I rocked him back and forth like a small child. I held on to the mental sanity I did and tried my hardest to keep it. My face and body were covered In Taylor's blood, some of it was on my face due to the amounts he was coughing at me. This was the first time in a while I felt destroyed by the fact someone has left me, and didn't have any resentment towards the person. Why did it have to be Taylor? Why did he take his own life? For what cause... My mental well-being?

I drifted off to sleep, after that last thought.

"Hello?!" I said, staring into the black void. "What the hell? Another lucid dream!"

I felt like screaming, I felt like crying, I felt like throwing up. I was conflicted on what I should do. I don't want to see my sister, better yet even anyone. I wanted to break things, I wanted to make a mess, I wanted to feel better. I ran in the void, but there was no real end. I soon saw hallucinations. Am I going insane? I thought to myself as I saw random parts of my life flashing before me. At the same time, I heard faint voices. I just thought my brain was acting up, until he appeared and hugged me.

"Taylor?!" I cried, "Taylor! You're here!"

"I'm not fully here, I'm not dead either." He said, grimly, "I am in some sort of purgatory, in the middle of heaven and hell. Keep me alive. I have a small locket in my vest, it has a photo of my family. Keep it for me until I wake up."

"B-B-But, you're here!" I said, tears forming in my eyes as he patted me on the head, "Don't leave me again!"

"It's okay, It's normal to miss people." Taylor said, still holding me in his warm embrace, "But you need to move on for now."

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