5- Awkwardness

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"Oh my god! You aren't dead!" Gort said, sarcastically. "I knew that the whole time."

"You did not!" Taylor Argued.

"I did too!" Gort rebutted.

"Ladies! Ladies! Stop fighting!" I laugh.

"Not funny," Gort and Taylor said.

I look at my surroundings and gather information almost immediately. We are all near a lake with clear, ever-changing ripples. Trees closed in on us in this clearing. Most of the plane was south of us, with half of the remains in the water. I tried to get up, but Taylor held me down.

"You will open the wound up on your shoulder again. That was a real pain to stop the bleeding." He said.

"Fine." I scoffed. "It's not like I really want to move anyway."

I lay down and stared at the sky. The black sky was filled with millions of twinkling stars. They all were white, but some were blue or yellow. I saw the moon. It was in the third quarter. It was half alive like I was. Very quickly I saw a shooting star. I remembered a thing that me and my dad would do when we were in our backyard before he died. We used to wish upon them. I took a few seconds to think, and then I thought to myself.

I wish to get out of this hell. I want to escape alive with Taylor and Gort. I want Mum to remember me. I want to heal up. I want Mayseigh to leave my mind. I want to be able to walk. I want to live.

My mind came back to Taylor, who was sitting right beside me. He was also looking at the stars, his amusement when he saw a shooting star made my mind clear. His scratched and bruised face matched mine and Gort's. We all were now looking at the stars. Taylor said something, but I didn't understand what he was saying, and I drifted off to sleep. While I was in a half dream half half-awake state, I heard Gort and Taylor talk. They started calm, but then it escalated to yelling. I have no idea what they were talking about, but I knew I was getting a mouthful from them in the morning.

"Good morning," Taylor said as my eyes fluttered open.

"Where is Gort?" I say, puzzled. "Did he die?"

"Oh, he is getting food for all of us." Taylor said, "While you were sleeping, he was stabbing grasshoppers to eat."

"Yeah, about last night." I spoke, "What were you and Gort talking about?"

"Nothing important." Taylor said "Just some tactics."

"First of all, why without me? And second, why does yelling need to be used to get a point across?" I say, "Besides, you sounded very livid."

"Oh," Taylor said. "What did you hear?"

"I heard nothing." I spoke "Only muffled voices."

"Okay," Taylor said. "Let me look at your wound to see if it has already gained some stability."

He took off the bandage and I saw the wound. It looked like the wound that a mangled sheep would get by the chupacabra. I could see my bone and torn tissue inside the two-inch wound I had. My face immediately went from hopeful, to pale as I just stared at it.

"Oliver?" Taylor said, "Do I need to leave you alone for a few minutes?"

I nodded and he left my area to go to the forest. He came back, fixed my bandage, and helped me up. My legs were so stiff from not getting up, so he was helping me walk over to the forest. We stopped many times so we could look at the scenery.

"What's that noise?" Taylor said.

"What noise," I spoke, trying to conclude who, or what was coming towards us.

The noise was getting louder and louder until we saw what it looked like.

"Gort?" I spoke.

"I'm coming!" Gort yelled, breathing heavily. When he was closer, I saw he had found my gun, as well as his SMG and flamethrower.

"Good job!" I spoke but was instantly distracted by someone singing in the background.

"That better not be that demon we saw," Gort said, cocking his flamethrower.

"There aren't any wings I can see so it wouldn't be the demon." Taylor said, "But if we are here, so would it."

Just then, I saw a pair of green antennas popping out of the brush that had blue and pink berries growing on it from the distance.

We didn't need any communication to all walk over there with gaping eyes. We were looking side to side, trying to remember our surroundings just in case we needed to run, or if there were more monsters at our sides. Probably with foaming mouths and bared teeth in hatred waiting for our flesh to mingle with their soon-to-be dissipated hunger.

We were walking there with confused faces as the voice singing sounded like a little girl's. The bush was being stripped of its berries from the inside when we came. There were a few lines of song, then a gasp. Were we found out? Is the monster ready to kill us? I was struck back to reality when it came out of the bush. It didn't look like what the man told us about.

"Hey?" I stated, "It's all okay." I started to walk up to the monster, hands up in the air and my gun slung on my back. Taylor grabbed my hand.

"Stacii! Emmie! Help!" The monster cried while running. "I'm being attacked!"

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