11- womp womp

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I didn't realize until I thought about it for the tenth time that I understood the significance of the stars. When I first woke up, I gazed at the stars. When I woke up for the first 2 days, I saw stars. The person I held close? She was up in the stars, Mayseigh. My body trembled as my face turned to the window. The moon glistened and pulsated in tones of blue and pearl. Taylor looked at me, eyes wide in fear. I walked towards him slowly, but he kept backing up.

"Hey!" Taylor shouted, "Back off!"

"Huh?" I said with a hint of concern, "What's going on?"

He stumbled upon words as I came towards him, his body now on the cold, metal wall.

"There is something behind you!" He screamed and repeated until I turned around.

My head whipped around like a rubber band and stopped at the misty figure now in front of me. The figure was tall and grey, silky white hair seemed to ripple like a stream. My eyes were directed at the rest of her, which showed a cold white dress, with edges trimmed with cornflower and gold. Her face was painted with white dots, almost like freckles. Her eyes were a mystic grey, with slightly blue sclera. Three wings held close to her were whiter than the snow in winter. Taylor looked at me as I stared at her, wide eyed and confused.

"Uh? What's going on?" He questioned, "Isn't that thing a- uhm- monster?"

"Urm-" I said, trying to gain words, "I'm not sure?"

The figure started to change; skin grey to a dark peach, eyes grey to an orange, freckles changed from white to brown. Lastly, her attire changed from angelic garments to a fashion more suitable for the cold.

"Hi! How are you Oliver and Taylor?!" She cheered, "You guys look exhausted and famished! Oh no! Here! Take some!"

She passed some food and water to us. The look was unfamiliar, but I was too thirsty to care. I unscrewed the cap of the flask and held the opening to my lips. I took a few sips and felt replenished, the water was fresher and crisper than the dew of morning. Taylor looked at the monster in spite and pushed me behind him.

"What's wrong?" She said with concern, "You don't like what I have to offer?"

"It's not that, I just don't know you." Taylor said, holding a grip on my hand, "You could be anything! A monster, the demon, one of those Isie things, you could be literally anything!"

"Why would I be a demon?!" She said, shifting back to her angelic form, "When I gav-"

Isie woke up and rubbed her eyes, her face went from gloomy, to excited as she ran up to the monster. She started to hop all around her in circles and circles as the anomaly smiled.

"Are you an angel?! Do you know Cloudy?! Seraphim!" She screamed. Me and Taylor looked at each other, eyebrows raised and looking at the two, anomaly and Isie. They chatted for a hot minute before one of them spoke up.

"So, I am Mayseigh, Oliver's dead sister." She said, "I am a seraphim and I am Cloudy's bestie!"

"Oh my goodness! That's so cool!" Isie said, "Wait. Oliver's dead sister?"

She went back to being human. Isie's expression was puzzled when she went from being tall, to as short as her. My eyes looked to the ground, guilt grasping me as my hair followed. I haven't seen her in so long and this sight was so sudden, I wasn't ready to see this yet. My eyes filled with tears as small, portioned tears dropped from my eyes to the floor. Taylor walked up to me, his face holding concern as he held me in a hug. I couldn't hold it in anymore. All the things that have happened. The change that has happened to my body, the monsters, the demon, my dead sister, not knowing what is going to happen next. I broke down, tears rushing even faster as I sobbed.

"That's Mayseigh, right?" Taylor said, a single tear emitting from his eye, "You can see her now, I can't really see any of my siblings, not even the dead ones."

"Wait a damn minute," I said, shocked. His eyes filled with tears as he seemed to regret what he said to me. "You have deceased siblings?"

"Well- I mean- god, I'm not good at hiding things," Taylor laughed with pain, "I guess three of my siblings died. At Least I have some of them left."

"Erm," Mayseigh said, looking at some golden book that had the last name 'Smith' as the title. She flipped through the pages with her slender fingers while her face longed for the faces of the three.

"Aha found them! Janice Smith, she is an exorcist now and converts demons. Carlos Smith, just a regular angel. And- oh-" She paused, staring at the red ink that fabricated three words; Adele Smith, fallen. "Adele-"

"What's wrong with her?" Taylor spoke, anger peeking through. There was no answer, "What the hell is wrong with her!"

"She fell you midget!" Mayseigh screamed, shocking everyone in the room, including Isie, who has now climbed into my arms. "She fell because she-"

"She would never do anything that would result in that!" Taylor yelled, flailing his hands around, barely in range of hitting me, "Why lie to people! People who look up to you! People who like you! People who praise you!"

"You don't know what she was doing!" Mayseigh cried, random eyes appearing all around her atmosphere and body, startling Taylor and I as we backed up from her. "Well you did know her, until she went out with Carlos in that shootery."

"No! Don't bring that up!" He screamed, "I did the best I could do! I tried addressing both of the wounds, but I couldn't do that properly!"

"You do a lot of lying for someone who doesn't want others to," She snapped. "Besides, your eyes show it."

"Eyes? Huh?" I pipe in, looking at everyone in the eyes. "Mine are rectangles, Isie's eyes are circles, and Taylor's are diamonds."

"Yeah- wait- you didn't know?!" She said, her face looking down at me. "Round eyes mean nothing significant will happen in their life, really a chill life ahead of them. Most likely will have a normal family, good morals, long life, yada yada."

"So?" I said, "It's not me, so I don't care."

"Jeez Oliver I'm getting to it," Mayseigh scoffed, "Rectangle symbolizes a mental box you will never get out of. You will be depressed the rest of your life and your trauma won't be healed unless you decide on a new factor, but don't make the wrong choice, or else you won't heal."

"Great, just great," I said, disappointed, "What will I have to decide?"

"Oliver, she won't tell you." Taylor spoke slowly, "She doesn't seem to care."

"Correctamundo!" Mayseigh cheered, "Anyways, Diamonds means that the person is hiding something major, and they will have to live an emotional life. There is also a big chance they would hurt anyone they love."

"That sounds terrible." Isie said, hopping out of my hands, "I'm going to use the restroom."

"Oh." Taylor said, glaring at Mayseigh.

"Same!" Mayseigh said, "Bye!" Then she vanished into the white light behind her.

Silence cloaked the room, Taylor standing with his fists clenched. We all stood there really, trying to process what the hell just happened. The angel was familiar, but I had no clue who she was until she revealed herself as Mayseigh. Taylor muttered something under his breath that I couldn't quite hear.

"I'm going to solve my problem." Taylor said, stepping away from me, "Goodbye."

"Wha-" I said, but he just held his finger to his lips, signaling me to be quiet. I just looked at him.

"I'll see you around then, Ollie." He said, looking into my eyes. His eye was staring at me, twinkling strawberry lemonade with blue sparkles.

"No." I said, standing my ground. "You can't, I won't allow it."

"But I'll hurt the person I love the most, and I can't do that." Taylor said, a tear edging his eye as he pulled out a random pistol from the small, slender pocket of his vest, and held It up to his stomach. "I love you, Oliver Xernom."

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