9-the element of SURPRISE

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We ran from the lake area to the main plane wreckage. We all wordlessly walked into the scrap-like cave and hid there. I sat down at one of the sides where the part of the plane had the compartment boxes still attached, sitting on top of them. Everyone else sat in different places inside the wreck, but Taylor and Isie sat next to me, contently watching Gort rip open every compartment searching for food. Isie found a box that had a soft sweater in it, and she lay down in it. I took off my sweater to give to her to use as a blanket, my once-white dress shirt showed. It now had grass stains, mud water, and blood engraved in this wimpy shirt. I lie down, freezing, hoping everyone will undergo happiness, hoping they have it better than me. What type of low-life life would they have to want to be friends with me, let alone even support or talk to me?

Taylor lay down next to me, the warmth heating my cold heart as I fell asleep, content as I knew that these people wouldn't hurt me or abandon me as my family did.

My eyes slowly opened to someone speaking to me and shaking me side to side. I saw one yellow and pink eye staring into my soul.

"Wake up," Taylor whispered, "You don't want to miss this."

I got up and he led me out of the door that opened up to the deserted plains. The twinkling sky was laced with the colors of the heavens. Blue, green, and purple danced in the sky as I broke down. Taylor's face held deep concern as I cried. He sat down next to me, cradling me in his warm embrace.

"The last time I saw the auroras was before my life became a living hell." I said, sniffling.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Taylor asked, concerned.

"I just- the last time I saw the auroras- my family- wasn't missing anyone. Before my Dad died in the Navy, before my mum became a zombie, and most definitely before my sister died." I spoke, stuttering.

"Zombies? I thought they weren't real." He said in a goofy tone "You might need to get checked out for that, that sounds pretty serious."

I started to laugh, "You better run before I eat your brains!" I said.

We both laughed as we ran around, blanketed by the warm auroras and shivering breezes. Our noses and cheeks burned in cold red as we ran into the trees. This was the first time I felt like I had an actual childhood, right now. Our breathing was heavy, joints exploding through our running. We both tripped on a tree root, causing us both to fall onto the pine-filled forest floor.

My arm felt like a thousand needles were jabbed into it. My nose felt smooshed into my skull. My ankle felt like the brittle fragments of peppermint bark. My eyes glared at Taylor, who seemed okay as he sat in the pine, waiting for me.

My hands met his as I had one thing screaming in my mind. I looked around through the trees, there was an unnerving silence as I felt someone's presence peering at me. I looked around, frantically trying to know what was trying to make an appearance. I squinted my eyes at a tree, the dim glow of the aurora's illumination helped me understand quickly.

"Get down!" I screamed, pushing Taylor on the floor. Long and pointed bullets flew right above my head. "I'm telling you, this place is freaking wild."

"My leg hurts." Taylor stuttered, breathing heavily, likely in immense pain. "We should get back."

"Okay, buddy," I said, Hearing the gunshots fade into nothingness. "We can go now." I started to walk away, but Taylor still lay on the ground, wincing and muttering curses under his breath.

"Oop, right. Can't walk." I said sheepishly while I walked over there, pine needles crunching under the weight of my leather boots.

I picked him up, saddled him on my back, and ran off to the airplane-cave shelter. When we arrived, my movements were frantic and shaking. My explanation brought great despair to Emilee, who was pacing nervously with Isie, who was wearing my brown sweater. My face went pale as I dropped him onto the floor

"Are you sure he's okay?" Stacii scoffed, "His condition is still not quite stable."

"One moment," I said. "He might have a broken foot or something if he is in this amount of pain."

"Not it!" Everyone said. My distorted part in it stretched after theirs. "Damn it," I muttered under my breath. Why did I have to do this? This is going to be so strange.

"C'mon." Isie said. "We can go look for food while you are doing this." Her blonde and now frizzy hair glowed in the moonlight. Some glowing things were amongst the trees. There was soft rain paddling the top of our shelter.

"Fine. Just make it quick. I don't want any of y'all to get a co-" I preached, but soon let out a terrible sneezing fit. "Cold."

"Okay!" Gort said, "We will find food."

"Yes. Exactly." Emiliee said as the door shut behind her. It was now me and Taylor. I looked out of the single window that was behind me, shivered of the cold, and assessed the situation.

"Uhm," I said gingerly. "This is going to be-"

"I'm fine now Ollie," Taylor said, "But thanks for trying to help me."

"No, I am going to check," I said. "There must be something wrong."

"I am fi-" He said, but stopped. "My eyes? Huh, that's weird." He said, staring at the puddle of water.

"What's wron- Oh my god," I said, staring at his pupils. "Why are they- Why are they shaped like that?"

"I don't know. But by all means, figure it out!" Taylor screamed. 

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