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"Huh?" Taylor said, "What is th-"

"Wait up!" I screamed, "I'm not going to hurt you!"

"Wait! No!" Taylor screamed, but it was too late. I broke our hand contact and started to run after her, telling her we were there to help.

"Get away from me!" She spoke, bolting.

"God, I should have taught you how to fly sooner!" another voice yelled.

"It's your fault, not hers!" A new voice screamed, "Be logical Stacii!"

"She listens to you more, Emiliee!" Stacii screams, "It's because-"

"Help! I am going to die! This dude has a gun!" The monster said.

The two other monsters soon were at my sides. There was a cyan bunny thing with pink hair and one yellow eye. The other monster had a lighter cyan color with purple hair and eyes. The second monster was taller and looked somewhat like a koala.

Taylor and Gort were behind me, and the two things were too. I was running as fast as I could, but It wasn't enough. The cyan bunny caught up to me and tackled me, pinning me to the ground. Their eyes were wide as I stared back at her.

"I feel like I have seen you be-" Stacii said, but I blacked out.

"Ollie!" Taylor screamed as the purple-haired thing caught up to him, sweeping him off of his feet. His head hit a rock on the way down, causing his consciousness to fade into nothingness.

"Good job!" The monster said.

"Are you okay Isieannae?!" Emiliee said, picking up Isie's green body and twirling her in the air. Her silky yellow hair was flying everywhere.

"Be careful!" She giggled, "The bracelet will fly off!"

"We don't want that, right?" Emiliee chirped. Isie giggled until there was silence. The silence filled everything other than Emiliee's confusion.

"What's up with you, Stacii?" Emiliee spoke, curiosity tipping her tone.

"Oh, I just thought I saw her before." Stacii said."It's strange."

"Maybe you are just looking at her too hard, you know?" Emiliee perked up. "She looks dead to me. Like my grandma!"

"Uh. No? I have definitely seen her before." Stacii stated, "I'm getting the freaking nostalgia and deja-vu that humans describe."

"Why are you still on top of her?" Emilie sighed. "You gonna start any romance, buddy?"

"Hell naw!" Stacii screamed. "If at all, it would be you and that femboy over there. His pink hair is really throwing me off you know?''

"What does the word femboy mean?" Isie said.

"Nothing! Just- uh- trees." Stacii stuttered.

"Why would you say that!" Emiliee screamed, "She is innocent! Too pure for this world."

"I'm going to climb femboy now!" Isie said with pride.

"Never repeat that." Emiliee seriously said. "You got that?"

"Why is it bad if it is just trees?" Isie said.

"Uh. They are evil human trees," Stacii said. "They hurt you badly until you feel the need to fly away, but you can't because they-" Emiliee nudged Stacii to stop.

"Oh, got it," Isie said.

My brain was stirring inside. I felt the coldness of the floor under me. As I drifted more into the darker water of deep self-hatred. Why would a person like me still feel like this even if all these events happened when I was a child, barely a teen? Why did I not trust Taylor's judgment on this test? At this point, It is not a test. This is hell. Hell. This will never end.

Just then, I felt the warmth. The warmth gave me willpower. The warmth kept my heart beating and air breathing. It was the voice of my own Mayseigh.

"Hey, sis." She spoke in her sweet tone. "I just want to check on you."

"I would have liked that when I wasn't close to death," I said gloomily.

"You aren't dead," Mayseigh spoke, "You might be later, but you are fine for now."

"Oh." I said, "Nice."

There was a long silence that awoke my senses. I could feel crusty hands gripping my body while I hung in the air. I might not understand the smell of Japanese cherry blossoms and warm vanilla in the middle of an evergreen forest, but that is fine. I can hear small lines of speech and wind blowing through the trees.

"So, how is my dad?" I spoke. "Have you seen him?"

"No. Uhm- I mean yes!" She stuttered, "No I have not seen him. I don't even think he is in heaven, but he has to be, since-" She started to cry.

"Hey!" I spoke, "It's alright!"

I soon saw her, but she was changing. Her skin was turning grey, her eyelashes longer, and her hair long blue silver. She had two sets of three wings that were whiter than the clouds in the ever-changing blue sky. Her normal attire was swapped with a long cornflower and white dress.

"I guess I have to go, the boss wants me back," grumbled Mayseigh. "I will ask Cloudy for her best regards on your safe travel home."

"Uh? Who is Cloudy?" I said, questioning her.

"Uh- no time, ask Isie or someone part of that group." She said, "I will wipe your memory after this, so don't worry!"

"Wait!" I screamed, then she exited out of my mind. I still sat in the void. I lie down, and for the first time in years, I cried. I cried so hard. I cried and tears screamed out of my eyes.

"What to do with the bodies?" Stacii said. "In the lake?"

"In the lake," Emiliee said.

"Hold up," Stacii said, staring behind her. They both dropped their bodies onto the shore, smearing sand on our faces. Stacii started to look around in the darkness with her one yellow eye as continuous questions filled her mind. It was too quiet, suspiciously quiet.

"Wasn't there three?" Emiliee spoke. "There was the emo kid, the femboy, and the-"

There was silence as the crickets chirped and the firebugs hovered all around the big rocks and the bay of the lake. There was one noise that filled the air as the small grasshopper child known as Isie caught on to what was going on. 

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