Chapter 3: But Never Fear

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Zuko moved the hair out of Kuai's face, to see that she had fallen asleep next to him... again. The ride to the academy was pretty long, and everybody was exhausted. Appa let out one of his weird noises that sounded like a sigh. Kuai woke up and stretched, sat up straight, and Zuko put his arm around her.

Zuko: Just a few minutes until we get there.

Sokka: So how do you plan to get them more afraid of Toph?

Kuai: I'll tell you when we get there. You need to make sure the students don't see me until Toph knows my plan.

Katara: Okay.

Aang: We're here! Yay!

*The Academy* Toph shushed her students as she listened. What she heard sounded like Appa.

Penga: Is that the Avatar's pet, Sifu Toph?

Toph: Yes it is!

TheDarkOne: I hate animals.

HoTun: You hate everything, Dark One.

Toph: You guys stay here, practice your forms.

Toph walked outside, closing the academy doors behind her. Appa landed pretty much right in front of her, and everyone got off, Kuai hiding behind Zuko.

Toph: Hey twinkletoes.

Aang: Hey Toph.

Toph: Is that... Kuai behind you sparky?

Sokka: SHH!

Kuai: Yes it is. Don't let your students see me, I have a plan that'll help them fear you more.

Toph: Really? Let's hear this.

Kuai: You'll go back  in and start teaching them for five more minutes, then I'll come in and attack. I'll distract one of your students to see if they'd try out their skills on a master such as me.

Toph: You know how you could distract The Dark One? He's a sucker for attention, but he won't admit it.

Kuai: So what you're saying is, while I'm attacking the rest of you, I flirt with this "Dark One" and he'll be totally useless to the rest of your students?

Toph: Then see if he's man enough to help us!

Kuai: But in the end, you take me down. But it has to seem like a struggle at first. They'll be so impressed and scared of you after that. Just never tell them it was an act.

Zuko: Why do you have to flirt with this guy?

Kuai: Oh, please. It's just acting.

Toph: And The Dark One is, like, fourteen.

Zuko grumbled as Toph walked back inside the academy. The kids groaned that they still had to go through the basics, but Toph didn't care. About 5 minutes later, Kuai cracked the door open just an inch and began waterbending from some pots inside. She pushed Toph in the air and froze her in a wave of ice. She then walked in, looking straight at The Dark One as she attacked Ho Tun and Penga. She kept everyone in her bending as she started talking to The Dark One.

Kuai: You must be The Dark One. I've heard you can be an excellent riddle composer.

She started to run her fingers through his hair.

TheDarkOne: Uh, I...I...

Kuai: Oh, I guess it does take time to come up with a nice poem.

TheDarkOne: Y-yeah...uh...

Kuai: Are you good at metalbending?

TheDarkOne: Skill is matchless to its bearer, yet the use defines its worth.

Kuai: So what you're saying is, you're the best of your small group of friends?

TheDarkOne: Assumptions are likely correct, but never true for an impression's beginning.

Kuai: So why don't you show off your skills and save your friends.

Kuai smirked as The Dark One looked at his friends and Toph, who were being attacked by Kuai. The Dark One metalbent some small coins at Kuai as she tried to walk away. She ducked just in time, then waterbent at The Dark One, trapping him in a block of ice.

Ho Tun and Penga were scared out of their minds. As Kuai walked towards the door, she gave Toph the signal to fight back, a foot stomp then a wink. Toph earthbent Kuai's feet to the ground and Kuai let go of Toph as Toph began  to metalbend weapons at Kuai. She dodged barely enough. She broke out of the earth at her feet and acted like she was going to fight back, until Toph threw a hammer at her head with metalbending. Kuai released everyone from her bending and ran off, as if scared and giving up. The 'fight' was over.

Ho Tun: I thought our doom was upon us.

Toph: Never underestimate waterbending.

Penga: That was terrifying!

Toph: But never fear when you have earthbending. *smile*

TheDarkOne: I hate waterbenders.

Ho Tun: You hate everything.

Toph: I'm going on a little vacation with Team Avatar tomorrow. You guys need to stay here and train until I return.

Penga: Ah, come on!

Toph: I won't be gone too long.

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