The Hawke

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"someone needs to warn her" Bishop sighs at the bar with the other TOs.

Both women turn to look at Bradford.

"what? don't you think a girl could more properly explain the sexism in the department?" Bradford points out.

"it's not just sexism, it'd be homophobia and it would be the biggest IA scandal in the history of the LAPD" Lopez argues.

"and I'm not good with... feelings" Bradford shudders.

"aw, the big strong man can't handle a 5'2'' girl's heartbreak?" Bishop teases.

"Solokov is something else, you two can't see it but it's there" Bradford insists. "she's like Chen... but different"

"maybe it's because they're both girls" Lopez suggests.

"No. No. That's not it" Bradford shakes his head. "Chen is stubborn and good with words while she struggles with the harsher parts of the job and Solokov is more lenient and a people pleaser who prefers guns and straight forward missions than talking"

"and how are they similar? they're both pretty?" Bishop giggles.

"they're similar in being indecisive and insecure, they are always hesitant about what to do." Bradford replies.

"and what's your plan, Bradford?" Lopez smirks.

"Chen wants to be confident, she wants to be able to make decisions and control situations, she just needs to be pushed there because her entire life has been controlled by her parents and she wants freedom... but Solokov? Solokov craves structure, instruction, direction, she needs the decisions to be made for her because she's always had to make the decisions, always had to be in control, she needs someone to take that control for her" Bradford explains.

Lopez and Bishop exchange a glance, confused that Bradford has really thought the two girls through so much.

"and what do Nolan and Jackson need?" Lopez pushes.

"Jackson needs to be knocked down several notches and Nolan needs to be believed in" Bradford replies, shortly, putting cash on the bar.

" 'night" Bradford calls as he grabs his jacket and makes his way to the door.

"what? you're just leaving us with that?" Bishop calls.

"yup" Bradford grins as he leaves.

[One Hour Later]

Elle looks up from her google search about what the word "crush" means when there's a quiet knock at her door. Elle gets out of bed to go answer it and sees Zoe drunk standing in the doorway.

"hey, Zo-" Elle starts but Zoe grabs her by the shoulders and kisses her hard.

Elle stands in shock, her lips tingling after Zoe breaks away but just as fast it seems Zoe leaves her drunken stupor.

"we're not talking about this, Solokov" Zoe used her Captain voice and left as quickly as she came.

"I don't understand" Elle whispers to the door after Zoe left.

[Seven Hours Later]

Elle tried to speak with Captain Anderson in the morning but it seemed she was purposefully being avoided. Finally Elle goes to the Sergeant, deciding to just explain it and hope he can help her figure out what to do.

"Sergeant Grey, sir?" Elle asks, knocking on his office door.

Grey opens the door to see one of the rookie standing there.

"yeah?" Grey raises an eyebrow.

"um... can I come in?" Elle inquires, wanting to have a private conversation.

The Philocalist 〰 ♡ 〰 Volume OneWhere stories live. Discover now