The Ride Along

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"god, Wade, what are you doing here?" Zoe asks, getting out of her car, carrying flowers.

"I could ask you the same thing" Wade replies, getting out of his own car.

"I'm not going to take advantage of her" Zoe insists as they walk up to Elle's apartment together.

"how do I know that?" Wade points out.

"I know we've only been working together for a little while but trust me, this wasn't the plan, she's just... her" Zoe sighs. "you know how hard I tried to stop myself?"

"not hard enough" Wade responds as they climb the stairs.

Both Wade and Zoe freeze when they hear Elle's voice from above them.

"of course I'm walking you to your car, it's ten o'clock" Elle's voice floats down to their ears.

"I'll be fine, El" Maya laughs.

"just let me walk you to your car, please" Elle pleads.

"fine, fine" Maya surrenders, laughing. 

Zoe and Wade hide behind a corner as Elle and Maya walk down the three flights of stairs to the bottom of the apartment building. 

"huh" Elle frowns, her eyes falling onto what looks to be Zoe's Honda. 

"what?" Maya asks from where she's putting her bag in her own car.

"that's Captain Anderson's car" Elle replies, pointing to the car.

"your boss' boss' boss? the one who kissed you while drunk and then ran off and has been ignoring you ever since?" Maya inquires.

"yeah" Elle nods, her eyebrows furrowed. "why'd she be here?"

"I don't know, El, why do you think she's here?" Maya asks, sarcastically, thinking it's very obvious.

"maybe she has family here" Elle decides. 

Maya gives her a look.

"what?" Elle questions.

"girl, she's here for you" Maya says.

"no, she's been ignoring me for the past week" Elle disagrees. 

"because she's your superior times three who drunkenly kissed you" Maya scoffs.

"you think she regrets it?" Elle frowns.

"do you regret it?" Maya inquires.

"I-..." Elle hesitates. "I keep thinking about it... and whenever I see her... I just feel... safe"

"Elle, you can't pursue that relationship" Maya reminds her.

"I know" Elle nods. "It's just... hard"

Maya rubs Elle's shoulders. 

"if she is here... maybe you can talk to her, get some closure" Maya suggests.

"you really think she's here for me?" Elle asks.

"I know so" Maya says.

"Elle" Zoe calls.

Elle turns to see Zoe behind them, holding flowers, with Sergeant Grey behind her.

"Captain Anderson, Sergeant Grey" Elle says, fidgeting with her hands.

"Maya if you'll excuse us-" Zoe starts.

"I'm good" Maya responds, holding her ground.

"Elle, Captain Anderson has told me that she is going to be promoted to Lieutenant in four months" Grey starts.

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