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"I choose you! Come on, Hawlucha!" I said, but nothing happened. "Huh? He should-" I then realized. "Dammit... He's in the other zones... In that case, Tyrunt!!" I said, summoning the small dinosaur. She cooed happily the minute she got out the ball, stomping her feet in glee.

"The fuck is that thing? Ah, whatever!" A villain said before shooting some electricity at her. This scared Jiro as she was going to rush in to protect her, but I grabbed her arm. "What are you doing?! It's gonna get hit!" she said to me. I just smiled.

As the attack hit Tyrunt, she only cooed happily as she stuck out her tongue in a teasing way. "Unfortunately, electric-type attacks aren't as effective on rock types. But I wanna test something... Tyrunt! Use dig!!" I commanded.

As I said that, she used her claws to dig in the dirt as she made a tunnel to the floor. "What?! Where did that thing go?!" A villain said. Not long after, she came up from the ground, hurting a few of them. It seemed like the ones with the electric-type quirks were the most affected. "As I predicted..."

Tyrunt was a little mad that she wasn't able to land a direct hit. The villains all attacked her, making her stagger a bit. This irritated her further. Then as she tried taking a step forward, she slipped. This caused the villains to laugh at how "stupid" she was.

Now, back when I caught Tyrunt, she was seen as a very timid and embarrassed Pokemon. Luckily, I was able to help her socially, but that didn't mean she moved on from getting embarrassed easily. She hates being made a fool out of. So the villains laughing at her was what made her snap. I saw this as an opportunity to help her attack better.

"Tyrunt!! Use that anger and use 𝘚𝘵𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘛𝘢𝘯𝘵𝘳𝘶𝘮!!!" I commanded. Her face grew red out of anger as she got up and started stomping on the ground, causing the attack to shoot at the villains. She was angrily roaring out, causing her to also use 𝘙𝘰𝘢𝘳. The power in her move sent the rest of the villains flying back and hitting some rocks behind them, knocking them out.

After she used that move, Tyrunt's wails came to a stop as she plopped to the floor. Her eyelids looked to be heavy for her, so I patted her back and returned her to her Pokeball. "You did amazing, Tyrunt," I said to the ball, which wiggled in return.

As I turned to the tree, they all smiled and sighed in relief. "Thank God that worked!" Kaminari said. I summoned the same bell as before and rang it in this zone, causing all the Pokemon that were in this zone to rush to me. I easily put them back in their Pokeballs. 48 left...

After we thought it was all over, Kaminari yelled before dodging the attack of another villain. Yaoyorozu quickly made weapons for her, me, and Jiro.

"These dudes are terrifying! My whole life flashed before my eyes! I think j saw the Grim Reaper!!" Kaminari exclaimed as he ran around, then stopped beside us. "Could you maybe take it down a few notches?" Jiro complained. "Right now, we need to focus on getting away from these enemies." Yaoyorozu pointed out. "Honestly... I thought Tyrunt took care of them all... there's over 20 people here...!" I muttered to myself.

"Pull out a weapon for me too!" Kaminari said. "You're the one with electrical powers. Just zap 'em so we can run." Jiro said.

"Were you not paying attention during combat training?! Some partner you were! I can cover my body with electricity, but if I try to shoot it out, it'll go everywhere. I'd take you guys down along with them! Or did you *want* shock treatment today? I can't even call for help because there's still interference jamming the signal. I'm counting on you three!" Kaminari said.

"You're a real damsel in distress, aren't you? New idea! You're our human stun gun!" Jiro said, kicking Kaminari's back and making him bump into a villain.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13 ⏰

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