Princess Elishwa- chapter 5

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As Princess Elishwa gazed around, her eyes widened in awe at the sight of the magnificent old castle that loomed before her. Its weathered stone walls stood as silent sentinels, guarding centuries of history and secrets within. Yet, despite its age, the castle retained an undeniable beauty, its towers reaching skyward like fingers brushing the clouds.

Elishwa's heart swelled with wonder as she noticed the two rivers flowing gracefully on either side of the castle, their waters shimmering in the sunlight like liquid silver. The gentle murmur of their currents provided a soothing backdrop to the scene, casting a sense of tranquility over the ancient fortress.

With each step she took alongside her guardian, Elishwa felt a sense of belonging wash over her, as if the castle itself welcomed her with open arms. And as they crossed the threshold into its hallowed halls, she knew that her journey had led her to a place where her destiny would unfold amidst the timeless echoes of the past.

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