Princess Elishwa -chapter 14

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With a determined spirit, Princess Elishwa vowed to aid Queen Azora and the jinn in their quest to save the prince. As they explained the details of the magical ritual, Elishwa listened intently, her mind focused on the task at hand.

With solemn determination, Elishwa prepared herself for the ritual, knowing that the fate of the prince hung in the balance. As the mystical ceremony unfolded, she felt the power of her blood intertwining with the forces of magic, weaving a tapestry of hope and healing.

With each incantation and gesture, Elishwa could sense the energy shifting around her, the air charged with anticipation and possibility. And as the ritual reached its climax, she offered herself willingly, knowing that her sacrifice held the key to the prince's salvation.

With the final invocation spoken and the magic completed, Elishwa felt a surge of energy coursing through her veins, a testament to the strength of her resolve and the depths of her compassion. And as she awaited the outcome of their efforts, she prayed that her sacrifice would bring about the miracle they so desperately sought.

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