Princess Elishwa - chapter 8

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Elishwa's eyes widened in astonishment as the golden fish began to speak, its voice echoing softly in the hall. "I have been waiting for you, Princess Elishwa," it said, its words laced with a hint of ancient wisdom.

Curiosity burning within her, Elishwa leaned closer, her gaze locked on the enigmatic creature before her. "Why have you been waiting for me?" she asked, her voice trembling with anticipation.

The golden fish regarded her with a knowing gaze, its eyes reflecting the depths of a thousand secrets. "Because, dear princess, you hold the key to unlocking the mysteries of this realm," it replied cryptically, its words sending a shiver down Elishwa's spine. And as the echoes of its words faded into the stillness of the hall, Elishwa knew that her journey was far from over, and that the answers she sought lay hidden within the depths of this enchanted castle.

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