Princess Elishwa -chapter 10

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As Princess Elishwa gazed upon the ancient underwater castle, her heart fluttered with a mixture of awe and fear. The sight of the fortress surrounded by menacing sharks sent a shiver down her spine, filling her with a sense of trepidation.

But as the golden fish whispered the mysterious words "Alhambra Sonora," a wave of magic rippled through the water, and to Elishwa's astonishment, the sharks parted, their menacing forms making way for her to pass. With each step she took along the newfound path, her fear began to ebb away, replaced by a newfound sense of courage and determination.

Guided by the golden fish, Elishwa ventured closer to the ancient castle, her heart pounding with anticipation. As she crossed the threshold into its hallowed halls, she knew that her journey had led her to a place of mystery and wonder, where the secrets of the deep awaited her discovery. And with the sharks now standing guard as silent sentinels, Elishwa knew that she was destined for adventures beyond imagination within the depths of the underwater castle.

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