Chapter 2

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                          POV: NOLAN

Mystery Girl and I sit at the bar for hours, talking about everything. Our favorite things, where we’re from, and even the movie industry. The only thing missing from this conversation is our names.

I can understand why she’s leery of giving me her name, considering we just met, but I feel a connection with her I haven’t felt with anyone in a very long time. It’s as if I’ve known her for years, even though we just met tonight.
“Last call, Nolan. I need to close up and get the bar stocked for tomorrow when all your cast and crew arrive tomorrow,” Charlie says from the other side of the bar as he finishes wiping it down.

I take a glance at my watch, not even realizing it’s well after one in the morning.

“Shit. Time flies when you have great company to share it with,” I respond as I push back from the bar.

“That was the cheesiest line I’ve ever heard. You were right when you said you were out of practice.” Mystery Girl’s tinkling laughter echoes around the empty bar.

“I may be rusty, but you’re still here, aren’t you?” I pull her stool back as she hops down from the bar.
I take in her petite frame. She can’t be more than five feet tall, compared to my almost six feet.

“You’re so tiny. I just want to fold you up, put you in my pocket, and take you with me.”
“If you play your cards right, I might just let you.”

She steps around me and heads for the exit of the restaurant, swaying her hips as she goes. Her apple-shaped bottom is covered by jeans that look like they were painted on.

“You’d better watch out for that one. Nothing but trouble.” Charlie claps me on the shoulder as he flips our now empty stools over onto the bar.
“Thanks for the advice.” I shake some sense into myself as I follow her out of the restaurant.

“Well, what now?” I head toward the front desk to grab my room key, but my mystery girl is already there waiting with my key swinging from her finger.
“I was hoping we could continue our conversation in your room. We could go to mine, but I highly doubt the bar is fully stocked.”

“Lead the way.” I motion toward the elevators and place my hand on the small of her back.

The chemistry between us began building rapidly while we were talking at the bar, but as we enter the enclosed space of the elevator, it’s almost hard to breathe.

“What floor are we headed to?” I ask, trying to break the silence.“You’re on the sixth floor. Must be important to be staying all the way up there.

I turn, locking eyes with her. Mystery Girl’s breathing picks up as I take a step closer to her, invading her personal space.

“Not important. I just stay here a lot. I don’t like to be near many people. The private quarters for the owners are on the sixth floor, so there are fewer guest rooms on that floor.”
She nibbles on her lip. “Good to know for future reference.”

Unable to stop myself, I reach up with my left hand and pull her lip from between her teeth. “Better be careful with those lips. You might need those for something more important later.”
“And what might that be?” Her response is soft and breathy.

“Drinking.” I lean down, our lips almost touching. “If you don’t want me to kiss you, you’d better tell me now. I won’t be held responsible for what happens after I do.”

“Please…” is the only word she gets out before my lips connect with hers.
Fireworks. That is the only way to describe what I feel in my body once our lips touch. I immediately forget everything else other than this beautiful creature in my arms.

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