chapter 5

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                         POV : ANDI

After a shower and a nap, I’m ready to head down and catch up with my best friend.

I haven’t seen Ivy since summer break, which for most people isn’t long, but for the two of us, it seems like a lifetime.

Especially since we attend different schools on opposite sides of the country.

I’ve always had my sights set on working in the film industry, but costume and set design have been my passion.

New York City is the place to be for that.

Unfortunately, that’s on the opposite coast of my best friend. Ivy goes to some fancy school in California for something to do with makeup.

To be honest, I have no idea what it is, only that she loves it, and that’s all that matters to me.

As the elevator dings signaling my arrival on the first floor, I come face-to-face with my dad.

“Hey, Pops! Did everyone arrive safely?” I step out of the elevator, reach up on my toes and give him a peck on the cheek.

“Everything is going as planned, including the positions for you and Ivy. I spoke with Nolan earlier; he has everything set for both of you.

Apparently, Ivy will be Ford’s personal makeup artist.”

A boisterous laugh bubbles out of my mouth. “Pops, you have no idea how happy that’ll make her.”

My dad gives me a look as he shakes his head. “Okay, whatever you say, pumpkin. Did you tell Ivy the good news?”

“Not yet. I came down to meet her before taking her to meet with Nolan.”

Dad and I trade places, me stepping out and him stepping into the elevator.

“Nolan and Ford are having dinner at the restaurant later.

Instead of hunting all around the lodge for him, just head over there around six tonight,” he tells me.

“Sounds like a plan, dad.” I give him another wave before I head to the front desk to meet with Cynthia.

As I approach the desk, I hear Cynthia and the other girls gossiping about our newest guest.

“Did you see him? Jacob Taylor is here! I can’t believe it! What I wouldn’t give for him to bend me over this desk and have his wicked way with me,” a girl says as I round the corner.

“I doubt you’re even his type, but I’d hope you wouldn’t put on such a display in front of the guests. This is a family resort.”

All talk comes to a stop as the front desk agents gawk at me.

Cynthia gives me a knowing smile before taking a step in my direction.

“Hey, Andi. To what do I owe this displeasure?”

“You’re fired.”

We both giggle, knowing damn well this place wouldn’t run half as well without her around.“Okay.

Isn’t that like the fourth time you’ve tried to get rid of me since you’ve been home?”

“Something like that,” I respond as I unwrap one of the complimentary mints and pop it into my mouth. “Did Ivy get here yet?”

She types something into the computer. “Yes, a few hours ago. She said she wanted to unpack and take a nap.”

Thankfully, my dad is clueless and didn’t pick up on the little fib I told him earlier.

When he finally gets a clue…

I shudder. I’d hate to ruin our relationship, but I have to follow my heart too.

I give Cynthia a smile.

“Thanks, babe. Any of the Hollywood peeps check in yet?”

“A few. Jacob Taylor and our special guest have checked in, but no one else from the main cast is here yet.”
Special guest?

It takes a moment to remember Ford asked for strict anonymity while he stays here.

Who could blame him after his horrific run-in with the paparazzi a few years ago in London?

“Got it. Thanks. I’ll catch you later.” I check my watch, noticing the time, and decide to just go wake Ivy.

Lucky for me, I don’t have to go far before I spot Ivy headed in my direction.

“Hey, Ivy. Earth to Ivy.” I grasp her arm to get her attention. “You’re off in La-La Land again, aren’t you? We need to get moving if you want to make your appointment with my dad.”

Not that we really have an appointment, but baby steps are the best with Ivy. If I lead right into the job offer of her being Ford Harmon’s personal makeup artist, she might have a brain aneurysm.

She still hasn’t moved from her spot in the walkway. “You’ll never guess who I just saw in the elevator. Wait, of course you would. Your dad owns this place.

Ford Harmon! Andi, I was in the elevator with Ford fucking Harmon.”

“Yeah, about that…” I spy a secluded room, pull her inside, and flip on the light.

I guess it’s time to just rip off the Band-Aid. “He’s shooting a movie up here.”“Oh, my God!” She covers her mouth, letting out a little squeak.

“My dad and the movie’s director, Nolan Archer, are old friends. I got you a job on set as a makeup artist.”

“Are you kidding me? No, Andi. I couldn’t ask you to do that.”

“You didn’t ask. The opportunity presented itself, and I took it for you.”

This girl has lost her mind if she thought I wouldn’t have made sure she had this opportunity.

It takes a moment before she’s screeching her thanks and hugging me for dear life.

She peppers me with questions about the position, but I decide it’s better for her to get all her answers from Nolan himself.

“Come on. I’ll take you up to meet Nolan.

He’s having dinner in the restaurant and can fill you in on all the details.”

Ivy and I head right for the restaurant.

My dad said that they wouldn’t be there until six, but I’m hoping since Ivy said she was in the elevator with Ford, we might catch them.

As we step up to the entrance of the restaurant, I scan the area for Nolan. The place isn’t large; I locate him in the back with Ford Harmon, before flashing him a tentative smile which isn’t met with the same happy response.

If looks could kill, I would be dead. I have no idea what he could be so angry about.

I mean, we had sex, but it’s not like I told anyone.

But as I watch Nolan approach, it’s not anger I see in his eyes, but desire.

I can’t stop the smile that spreads across my face. “See how much longer you can resist me now. I’m all grown up.”

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