chapter 13

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                        POV NOLAN

Andi has so much to learn. It’s cute that she still thinks of me as her Teddy, the man who comforted her as a little girl, but she needs to stop thinking like a child and acting like a woman.

It’s clear she knows exactly what she wants - me - and I’ll give her all of me plus whatever else her little heart desires, but her lessons will have to wait.

Because the shit is about to hit the fan.
Apparently, word of Ford being here has gotten out, but what makes matters worse is they caught him with his makeup artist.

No one knows it’s Ivy yet, but they will. I haven’t had time to let him know what was going on, but I’m sure his people are already on it.

Most of the sites I saw this morning have disappeared from the search engines.

“We have a problem.”

I turn to find Rebekah heading my way with another cup of coffee.

“Don’t beat around the bush. What’s wrong now?” I ask.

“Jacob is raising hell, looking for the script changes his agent told him about. Not only that, but he refuses to take part in the table read today until they’re made.”

“Spoiled-ass brat. I have half a mind just to say fuck this shit and walk.” I snatched the cup from her hand.

“But you won’t because you’re a good man, Nolan. You won’t go back on the promises you made to Bruce.”

I sigh. She’s right, but I’ll be damned if I say it out loud.

“Do we have an update on the weather?”

“I haven’t heard anything new since the original reports from last night talking about a big storm rolling in.”

Rebekah pulls her phone out of her pocket and unlocks the screen.

“There is a weather advisory for the entire mountain for the rest of the week.”

“Shit. Work with production and see if we can rework the schedule to get things rearranged. I don’t want to close the entire shoot. Maybe we can focus on interior shots for the time being.”

“I’m on it, Nolan. We might have to delay for another day or two, but mostly, I think we can begin filming.”

Just as she finishes speaking, both of our phones chime. Ford hasn’t shown up for his table reading session this morning.

“I’m sure he’s handling his most recent press…issues. That’s why he hasn’t arrived yet. Want me to send someone to his room?” Rebekah hesitates for a moment, waiting for my response.
“If he doesn’t arrive in the next twenty minutes, then you head up to his room. Only you, no one else.”

I look her directly in the eyes, silently relaying the importance of this task.

“You’ve got it, Nolan. I doubt he will be much longer. I’ll head over and wait for him while also trying to deal with the Prima Donna.”

“What would I do without you?” I ask, taking a sip of my coffee, the bitter taste calming my nerves slightly.
“You’d be just fine.” With a smile, she heads out of our small office.

Why can’t things be simple? You film a movie, your stars cooperate, and then you make millions.

Is that too much to ask? I push back from the table and head toward our makeshift production office in the adjacent room. I might as well check in and see if we can get things shifted.

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