chapter 4

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                        POV : NOLAN

Charlie just chuckles in response; he has my number.

It doesn’t take long for Rebekah and the others to arrive. Everyone orders, and we get the details handled for the pre-production meeting later.

“Ford Harmon is going to be joining us for this production, but it’s all hush-hush.

You know he’s been keeping a low profile since the accident, and I want to make sure he can keep his privacy here. You got it?”

I give everyone around the small table a stern look; they all know I mean business. With a small nod of their heads, everyone acknowledges my silent threat.

I promised Ford he wouldn’t have to deal with paparazzi lurking around every corner of this resort.

Not only is he a part of this film, but he’s one of my best friends and after a bloody-thirsty paparazzo almost killed him in London, I plan on keeping that promise.“All right, get out of my face.

I have jet lag like a motherfucker. I need to check a few locations, and I want to get some more rest before I meet with Ford tonight.” I push back from the table, effectively dismissing the meeting.

“Jet lag? Don’t you only get that when you come from overseas? You said you were coming from your house in Monterey?”

The unmistakable sound of my oldest friend’s voice makes me turn.
“Bruce! Long time no see.”

We quickly embrace and exchange pleasantries before I realize my crew is still seated, staring at us.

“Are you all deaf? I said get out of here. Enjoy the day off today, because tomorrow, the hard work begins.”

They scurry like a bunch of scared cats.
“You need to stop scaring them, you know.

That’s why we can never keep a team long enough,” Rebekah chides me before giving her attention to Bruce, stopping in her tracks.

Isn’t this an interesting development?
“I’ll leave you two to catch up.

Let me know if you want me to join you for your meeting with Ford.” With a shy smile, Rebekah heads for the exit.

I watch as Bruce follows her retreat.
“Her name is Rebekah.

She’s my production assistant, and way too good for you,” I say as I give his shoulder a squeeze.

“Who said I wanted to know?” he grumbles before plopping down in the seat beside me.

I chuckle in response. “My mistake. Charlie said you wanted to see me. I just arrived. There is no way someone’s causing trouble already.”

“No, none of that. I just wanted to make sure everything is all set for Ivy and Andi to start work tomorrow with the crew.”Fuck, I almost forgot about that. Not about Ivy, but Andi also being included in the deal.

Bruce hates having intruders on his mountain. To get him to allow me to film here, I promised to let his girls be part of the film. Honestly, he didn’t need to twist my arm.

I checked up on Ivy; she has amazing talent as a makeup artist and will work wonders with the additional prosthetics needed for Ford.

“We’re all set. The problem is breaking it to Ford that he’ll be spending hours every day in the makeup chair. However, that’s my issue. Nothing for Ivy to worry about.”

“And Andi? You didn’t change your mind, did you?” Bruce leans forward, resting his elbows on the table.

He places his head in both of his hands, the world obviously resting on his shoulders. “I practically had to beg them to come home for winter break.

I don’t know if they’ll take a second look at this place once they graduate in the summer. I’m losing my girls, Nolan.”

“Stop worrying so much. Those girls are destined for amazing things in this industry.

They may not come back to the mountain regularly, but I promise I’ll take care of them in Hollywood.

Even if I have to employ them in all of my movies.”

My best friend’s shoulders relax at my words. I wasn’t joking. I’d do anything to keep Andi safe, more now than ever.
Even from myself.

“Enough with the heavy. I really am jet-lagged.

Before I was in Monterrey, I was in France scouting locations for my next movie.” I stand, hoping he gets the idea.

I haven’t slept since before I arrived. Andi had all my attention last night.

Thankfully, he gets the hint. “I’ll send Andi and Ivy down to meet with you and Ford this evening.

Ivy is coming in from California today. She has some loose ends to take care of. Andi is surprising her today with the job offer.”

“I hope the girl lives through the surprise. It isn’t every day your best friend can hook you up with a job on a movie set.”

We both head out of the restaurant as we finish our conversation. “Lucky for us, Ivy already knows you’re filming here while they are on break.

She thinks she’s doing her usual job of working as a server in the restaurant.”I look over at my friend and notice the pride beaming from his face. “You really love that girl, don’t you?”

“Yes, I do.

So do her foster parents. It’s a shame we couldn’t have figured out the whole adoption thing and become a real family.”

“Family isn’t made just through blood,” I say with a smile.

Bruce and I know this more than anyone. We met in the Army during basic training and hit it off right away.

Unlike Bruce, I did my four years and got out.

I was only in it for the college education, anyway. Bruce was in for the long haul.

“Ain’t that the truth? All right, get upstairs and get some rest.

You look like shit.” Bruce hits the up button on the wall, calling the elevator.

“Don’t work too hard,” I respond to his retreating form.

The only response I get is a wave over the shoulder.

As I wait for the elevator, my mind drifts to thoughts of what I was doing last night in this elevator.

My cock instantly hardens, and any hope I have of getting a few more hours of rest disappears.

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