chapter 7

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                          POV : ANDI

After a fitful night of sleep, my six a.m. call time comes way too soon.

I stumble out of my bedroom and find Ivy sitting at the table with a fresh cup of coffee in front of her and a cinnamon roll.

She smiles brightly. “Good morning, Andi! Ready to get started?”“When the fuck did you become a morning person?” If she wasn’t my best friend, her chipper attitude would piss me off.

From the smell of bacon cooking in the oven, my dad is still here, and my stomach growls loudly, reminding me I didn’t have dinner last night.

Because I was supposed to be feasting on Nolan.

“Look who finally woke up. Your alarm went off for almost thirty minutes.” My dad chuckles as I plop down on a bar stool, and he slides a full breakfast in front of my face.

“That’s what the snooze button is for. I can press it until I absolutely have to get up.”

Ivy giggles as she places a warm cup of liquid gold in my hands. I watch as she bounces from foot to foot waiting for me to take my first sip.

She learned the hard way a few years back what happens when you speak to me before coffee. It isn’t pretty.

After I finally swallow, she prattles on about how excited she is to be working on a movie set.

“I wonder whose makeup I’ll be doing? Probably an extra’s or something.”

“Oh, didn’t Andi tell you? Ivy, you’re going to be the personal makeup artist for Ford Harmon.”

Shit. I knew I forgot to tell her something yesterday.

“Oops,” I giggle as I dig into my food.
Hopefully, she won’t expect me to explain with a mouthful of bacon and eggs.

There is nothing but silence in the kitchen before Ivy breaks out in a loud, boisterous laugh.

“That’s a good one, Pops. Next thing you’ll tell me is that Jacob Taylor wanted to slip me a roofie last night.”

“WHAT?!” My dad’s voice booms in the small space.

Ivy and I both shrink back in surprise. I can count on one hand the number of times he has raised his voice, all of which had something to do with someone trying to hurt one of us.

I quickly finish chewing and try to help with the situation. “Hurry and explain it to him, Ivy, before Jacob Taylor goes missing. Permanently.”

Ivy explains to both of us that Ford came across her and Jacob in the restaurant last night. She insists nothing happened, and that Ford will speak to Nolan today before filming.

“Ford Harmon is the most unbelievably gorgeous and infuriating man I have ever had the pleasure of laying eyes on,” she mumbles as she plops down on the stool next to me.

I take the last bite of breakfast before leaning over to whisper in her ear. “I know there’s more to this story, Ivy. We’ll be late for our first day if I don’t get my butt in the shower, but this conversation isn’t over.”

She gives me her own sly smile in return. “And don’t think I didn’t notice the sparks flying between you and Nolan last night. There’s more to that story. You’d better spill too.”

Ugh. My best friend notices too much sometimes.

“Fine, we both have stories to share, but first, I need to shower so we aren’t late for work.”

I take one more sip of my coffee before jogging toward the bathroom to shower and get ready. I’m not exactly sure what Nolan has in store for either of us today, but I know I’ll be ready for anything. If he thinks I’m ready to give up, then he’s got another thing coming.

* * *

Ivy and I barely make it on time. Lucky for us, we know the boss. The ballroom being used to house all the costumes and makeup is huge and full to the brim with metal racks, boxes, and people.“I never thought it would be this busy already,” Ivy whispers.

“A lot of the costumes and makeup arrived this morning because of the storm coming in. Everyone is scrambling to get everything set up and ready for light testing, either this afternoon or tomorrow.”

We both stand just inside the door, not sure where to go or who to report to, but not wanting to get in the way of everyone moving around.

Just as we are about to head further into the room, I feel a hand grip my shoulder.

“Sorry, but you two can’t be here. This is for movie staff only. You’ll have to leave.”I turn and notice a young man, about our age.

He’s tall with dirty blond hair and looks like he should be in one of these movies instead of working on one.

“We aren’t guests of the lodge. I’m Andi and this is Ivy. We’re both here to begin work with the costume and makeup departments. Is there any way you can point us in the right direction?”

“Where are your badges?” He holds up a badge hanging at the end of his lanyard.

It has the studio symbol on it and his name, Andrew, written across it in bold lettering.

I take a deep breath, attempting not to lose my temper.

“Today is our first day. We need to meet with our supervisors to get our badges. Nolan told both of us to report here at seven.”

Andrew rolls his eyes in response, just as I realize my mistake.

“Nolan? Do you mean Mr. Archer?” He grumbles something about nepotism.
Just as I’m about to put him in his place, Rebekah steps into the room.

“Andi and Ivy, I’ve been looking for you. Nolan forgot to tell me he asked for you to meet here instead of at the front desk.

No one is allowed in here without a badge.” She stares at our new friend before turning back in our direction.

“I hope Andrew didn’t give you a hard time?”

Before I can respond, Ivy chimes in.
“Of course not. He was just trying to help us figure out where you were.”

Flashing Andrew a fake smile, I thread my arms through Ivy and Rebekah’s.

“All right, let’s get a move on. We’re already late for our first day on set.”

“It’s okay. I know the boss. Since this is his fault, he’ll probably let it slide.”

The three of us laugh as we head further into the room and Rebekah takes us to our new homes for the next eight to ten weeks.

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