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izuku's pov:

beep~ beep~ beep~

the sun shone through my window hitting my face.

i reach over to my bedside table where my phone was and turned off the alarm, laying back down on my bed waiting for my eyes to adjust to the morning light.

a couple of minuets later i look over at my clock, '6:34' i sighed and sluggishly get out of bed,

i grabbed some clothes and went into my bathroom to brush my teeth then hopped into the shower, humming the song i finished making last night.

once i made sure i was clean i got out the shower and made my way back into my room to get dressed, putting on a long sleeved top to hide my scars and some gym shorts.

i decided i was going to go to the gym for an hour or so and practice some of my gymnastics.

with that being said i left my room, locking my door behind me and made my way down to the kitchen, grabbing a protein bar and a water bottle from the fridge, i made my way to the school gym.

walking in i was relived that no one else was there, dropping my bag on the floor next to one of the benched i grabbed my phone and connected it to the gym speakers and put on a playlist of my songs and began to stretch.

*song- mind games*

once i finished stretching i started to practice my gymnastics.

doing cartwheels, backflips, front flips, splits, hand springs, basically just a mas variety of techniques.

i was so focused on what i was doing i almost had a heart attack and almost fell when i heard someone shout my name.


i managed to land my flip i was doing with a stumble and turned to see the bakusquad standing by the entrance of the gym, staring at me, mouths agape.

"deku" someone shouted again.

i turn to see an angry looking kacchan.

'oh no, this cant be good'

"what do you want kacchan?" i asked in a board tone.

"where the hell did you learn how to do all that, do you think your better than me HAH!" shouted an angry Pomeranian.

"ok first, i taught myself years ago and second, no....i dont think im better than you, i've never said i was better than you so why do you keep asking?" i asked with a head tilt

"because you think your better than me and your not, your just a worthless deku who nobody likes, your not going to become a hero deku, im going to be the number 1 hero and your going to be wishing you were me." he shouted confidently

'wow.....ok then he.....he is delusional.....did he hit his head?'

"ok" i said

"ok? what do you mean ok?" he asked angrily

' there really is no pleasing this man is there'

"umm...i said ok. i get it, you will be the number one hero....well good for you, and i know no one likes me so you dont have to keep telling me your just wasting you breath." i deadpanned

it was silent for a while, so i walked over to the bench, grabbed my stuff and walked to the door where the others where, still in a stait of shock, probably from our little argument, well if you can even call it that.

"well, i will take my leave now, have fun" i said sarcastically before walking past the group and walking back to my dorm to get ready for school.


*time skip to when everyone was in there classes*

third pov:

everyone was talking amongst themselves except a certain green haired boy who was having trouble with all the noise,

after a couple more minuets the noise was to much and he felt like he was about to loose his shit so he quickly grabbed his headphones and put them over his head and turned his music on and laid his head on his desk.

 listening to music was always something that helped izuku when things where too loud or if he got to overwhelmed, and if he didnt listen to music then he would turn to smoking, he new it was bad for him but he honestly couldn't find it in him to care.

soon enough the class door slid open reviling there homeroom teacher, everyone was quick to scurry of to there seats while aizawa walked to his desk up front.

aizawa noticed izuku with his head down and headphones on, already knowing that izuku had sensory issues when it comes to sound and some of his trauma (we will get into it more later) and just left him to it.

"alright everyone get your gym clothes and head to the field, we will be working on your hand to hand combat to day so make sure your changed and stretched ready for when i get there, now go." aizawa stated in his normal tired tone, watching as his students rush out the classroom.

everyone except izuku left, aizawa made his way over and crouched down next to him and pulled off him headphones and put it in his bag.

"izuku?" aizawa asked softly, he only got a quiet hum in response,

"let me guess you were up all night?" aizawa asked running his hand through izukus hair softly.

"i studying last night then i was in the gym this morning and has a slight argument with kacchan, if you can even call it that, more like him screaming at me again." izuku mumbled moving to hug his dad. (he has been adopted bye aizawa and mic again i will get more into i later.)

"ok, come on you can rest with mic for a bit and i will have a word with you later about bakugo and try get it sorted, and im sure mic would love some cuddles with you so rest for as long as you need." aizawa said with a chuckle at the end, picking izuku up 'as izuku clung to him like a koala' and making his way to the teachers lounge.

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