im going to kill'm

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final chapter💤

sorry for any spelling mistakes


izuku's pov:

it was lunchtime and me denki and kiri was all sitting at a table together just talking about random stuff when the bakusquad came over with a sad look on there faces.

if i knew anything about fake friends is that the looks on there faces where fake,

for now though i will sit back and observe, but ready to step in if needed.

"hey" mina said in a quiet voice

kiri and denks just looked at her not saying anything

"um, we wanted to say sorry, and um wanted to know if you could forgive us and come sit with us again" she said looking down, fiddling with her fingers, looking "nervous"

"no/sure" kiri and denki said at the same time

me and kiri's heads wiped round to denki and looked at him like he was an idiot

"what?" he asked dumbly

"denki they were assholes to you and they are faking it, trust me there just gunna be mean and use you again, please dont go with them" i said looking him straight in the eyes hoping he will get what im saying 

"oh, ok" was all he said looking back at the bakusquad

they looked furious, " what do you mean where assholes? your the one who took our friends way, and plus its not our fault that there just fucking dumbasses who cant do anything right, you know what? forget it we dont want to be your friends anyway" mina exclaimed, throwing her hands up in the air

i gave them a hard glare and once they caught sight of it they all scurried away, 

i was fuming, how dare she say that about my friends (and crush), 

"im going kill'm" 

"whoa, calm down iz," kiri reached over the table to hold my hands before continuing " its ok just let them be there not worth it,....its not worth your time or energy, ok?" kiri said softly squeezing my hand.

 closed my eyes, i laid my head on top of our conjoined hands with a sigh, "but i wanna beat the shit outa them kiri, why wont you let me" i whined 

he chuckled, "because"

"because why?" i whined again, lifting my head up to look at him 

"because, i said so" he said with a smile.

i pulled my hands away from him and crossed them over my chest with a huff and looked away " meanie" i pouted

kiri and denki just laughed, and eventually went back to eating.

time skip: the end of the day


third pov:

it was the end of the day, kirishima and izuku had just said goodbye to denki and began there journey home.

they where having a nice convocation when izuku got an idea,

(remember he can be childish around people he is comfortable with and kiri will do like almost anything for izuku, but is still very dominant)

"kiri" izuku whined

kirishima looked over to izuku "what's up iz?" 

"can you carry me on your back, please" izuku asked, dragging out the 'please'.

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