im glad someone cares

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third pov:

aizawa carried izuku all the way to the teachers lounge and walked in to find mic sitting on one of the couches on the right side of the room.

hearing the door open mic looked over to see his husband holding his son and rushed over to see if they were ok. (papa mic ✪ ω ✪)

"hey babe, he ok?" mic asked concern lased in his voice.

"yea he is fine he just overworked himself again and that dam bakugo kid was shouting and screaming at him again, once he gets some rest i will ask izuku more about it. for now though can you take him, i unfortunately have a class to teach." aizawa answered 

"of course i can take him, come on little listener. mic said softly.

mic takes izuku from aizawa and izuku instantly attaches himself to mic, mumbling something they couldn't understand before going back to sleep. 

mic smile brightly, pecking aizawa on the cheek before going to sit down to cuddle his sleeping son that was snuggled into his embrace.

the corner of aizawas mouth tugged up slightly into a barely noticeable smile before leaving to teach his students (i feel bad for aizawa, im sure he just wants to sleep and cuddle with his husband and son but he has to teach a loud class before he can even see them again, it's so sad T~T )


kirishima's pov:

me and the other boys were changing for training when i realised that midoriya wasn't here, i know no one else really ever notices him and he doesn't seem to have any friends witch i dont understand because he seems like a nice guy just a bit closed off, but he still always shows up and he never misses training so where is he? 

Mr aizawa was like 10 minuets late but at least he did show up, when he did he paired us up and we began training.

i have to admit hand to hand combat is fun,  since my quirk is hardening my skin i need to learn close combat otherwise things could get messy in a real villain fight.

anyways, once the lesson was over and we were dismissed to go change i ran up to mister aizawa to ask him about midoriya.

"sensei!?" i yelled after him 

he turned around to face me "what is it?" he asked in his normal tired tone.

"i was just wondering if you know where midoriya is? he wasn't in training and he seemed stressed in homeroom, and also bakugo was shouting at him again this morning and since then he has been more closed off then normal." i rambled slightly looking at my hands.

aizawa eyed me suspiciously for a second before sighing.

"problem child is fine he was just overwhelmed by the noise and stuff so i gave him some time to calm down, im glad you noticed though....very.....observant." aizawa said slowly.

i let out a breath i didnt know i was holding. "thats good, thank you for letting me know he was ok, but if you dont mind me asking what do you mean overwhelmed by the noise?" i asked confused.

he sighed again "he was having a slight sensory overload with all the chatter in the classroom so that is why he had headphones in." aizawa informed 

"oh i didnt know that, well i will keep that in mind for if i see him getting well uhm....stressed?" i said 

aizawa just nodded "ok well thank you again sensei see you later," i bowed before running off to get change for my next lesson.

*sorry this chapter is kinda short but hope you enjoyed it anyhow.=P*

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