bye bye assholes

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have this cute image before all hell breaks loose


third pov:

kirishima and izuku walked into school together, still holding hands.

they had a light conversation going, ether not noticing the stares from people they walked passed or just ignoring them as they made there way to class.

they both knew they weren't early, but they weren't late ether so when they got to 3-A's door and walked in they weren't surprised to see almost the whole class there already,

"hey kiri, midoriya" denki greeted as they walked through the door, catching the attention of the bakusquad.

"hey denks" kirishima greeted back with a small wave as he watched izuku nod in denkis direction with a small wave of his own

"so what did you do on the weekend-" denki started just to be interrupted

"can you shut up for like one minuet denki, god you like never stop talking" mina said, annoyance present in her voice

"oh um sorry mina i was just gunna ask kiri how his weekend was-" he got cut off again

"i dont care, no one asked so shut up" mina said a little louder this time

"sorry" denki mumbled looking down.

a small chuckle was heard from beside kirishima, everyone looked to see izuku chuckling to himself, his hand covering his mouth 

"what's so funny freak" bakugo stoke up this time.

izuku looked up at him with an irritated smile on his face as he sighed. "wow"

"wow? why are you saying wow?" mina asked confused

" you really are a bunch of self centred assholes ain't ya" izuku asked with a head tilt there where some 'ooh's' from around the room as the rest of the class stopped there convocations and began to listen

"excuse me?" mina screeched, standing up

izuku moved forwards and grabbed denkis arm pulling him behind himself  "oh your excused alright, what gives you the right to speak to someone like that hah?" mina went to talk but izuku put his hand up stopping her, "you say your a hero in training? bitch with the way you treat people and the way you act, your no hero you act more like a villain" izuku paused feeling kirishima tighter his hold on his hand,

 izuku took a breath "not just you pink bitch, katsuki you have always acted like a villain ever since we were kids," he pointed to mina "you think your all high and mighty when your not, sero well your just a sheep, following everyone around trying to find purpose, here is some advise make new friends," he took another breath "kiri and denki ain't your play things anymore, and if you even think about trying to get them back or hurt them in anyway, i will. end you, got it?" izuku gave them a death glare before pulling them both to the back corner of the room.

kirishima sat in one of the seats sideways while denki sat on the desk, izuku however stood infront of kirishima with his head down and his arms crossed,

"izu?" kirishima asked softly, his hands ghosted over izukus hips, staying there but not fully holding them

"mhm" izuku hummed in response not lifting his head.

"izuku, this happened this morning, you can tell me you know im not mad at you for snapping right" kirishima said softly pulling izuku closer and hugging his waist while izuku wrapped his arms around his neck, stuffing his face into the crook of his neck.

"i really wanna fucking beat the shit out of them" izuku mumbled just loud enough from kirishima to hear, kirishima snorted

"well you know you cant do that, other than that your ok right?" kirishima asked concerned 

"yea im fine, how's denki?" izuku mumbled, not lifting his head

kirishima looked to his left to where denki was sat on the desk watching the two with a smile, "you doing ok denks?" 

"hm? yea im fine, hey midoriya?" izuku lifted his head to look at denki "thank you, for sticking up for me and kiri, it means a lot really" izuku smiled slightly and nodded "its fine and you can call me izuku, plus they had it coming to them they cant just go around treating people like there nothing but dirt on there shoes, someone had to put them in there place, they should be grateful i didnt do more than shout at them and did you see there faces, it looked like they shit themselves" izuku giggled a little at the end.

denki laughed, recalling what there faces looked like while kirishima was staring at izukus face as he giggled, kirishima loved izuku's stern and serious personality that he had when around other people but also love izuku's childish side when they were behind closed doors, he loved the fact that izuku aloud kirishima to take care of him, he loved everything about izuku, 

kirishima loved izuku's hair, his eyes, his freckled face, both of izuku's personality's,

kirishima loves izuku 

kirishima's eyes widened as he just realised that he loved izuku, the boy he has only been friends with for like a week now, but, they have got so close to eachother, i mean they already act like a couple.


but what if izuku doesn't like him back


kirishima knows that izuku is comfortable enough to let his more submissive side out around him but what if thats just cuz there friends and izuku doesn't think of them as anything else,


but izuku did let kirishima sleep with him, kirishima is the only one other than his dads able to calm him down, and izuku cried that morning because he accidently snapped at kirishima, so does that mean izuku like kirishima and is scared that kirishima doesn't like him back, or is it just that izuku doesn't want to lose his only friend? 

"Eijiro!" izuku said louder, tapping his cheek lightly, snapping kirishima out his thoughts

"huh?" kirishima looked at izuku confused

"are you ok i think you spaced out" izuku mumbled holding kirishima's face with him hands looking into his red crimson eyes

kirishima blushed and avoided eyes contact "im fine sorry" he mumbled 

"ok well class is about to start" izuku informed sitting next to the red head. said boy just nodded and hummed in response

' this is gunna be a long day'  kirishima thought as he tried to focus on the lesson


kirishima just found out he actually loves izuku, what's gunna happed?

will kirishima confess?


just so you know i have nothing against the bakusquad i personally love them, its just for the plot of the story.

also like i said in the last one, august ish to fluffy stuff.

and im stuck, should i make this a kiridenkideku ship or keep it a kirideku

let me know what you think,

hope you enjoyed this chapter 

bye bye  ('▽'ʃ♡ƪ)

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