there assholes, no offence

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just really quickly i have no idea where this is going  but hope you enjoy none the less


izuku's pov:

it was the weekend and i was just led on my bed staring at the ceiling, i find myself doing that a lot recently, staring at the ceiling, thinking about random things.


i look over at my bedside table where my phone is and leant over to grab it, turning it on i see its a message from kirishima,

kiri💪: hey izu wanna hang out today, im board and i miss you🥺

 i sat up on my bed and crossed my legs before replying

izu🥦: hello kiri, sure i dont mind hanging out, and you saw me like 2 days ago, we see eachother tomorrow for school as well, 

kiri💪: well your my friend and i miss your company.

izu🥦:well i guess i miss you too then, where do you wanna meet?

kiri💪:at the park and go from there if you want, and im glad, some of my friends say that im annoying cuz i talk to much but in our few days of being friends you haven't told me i was annoying once.😁

izu🥦: well no offence to your friends but there assholes, saying you annoying when your not, i bet they talk for hours and you sit and listen, but when you start to talk they say you talk to much and that your annoying, am i right or have i got it all wrong?

kiri💪: ...

kiri💪: your right..... but im sure they dont mean anything by it and the topics i talk about just isn't off there interest so its fine.

izu🥦:but its not there assholes

izu🥦: whatever

izu🥦: do you wanna spend the night at my house and go to school together, we can talk more about your friends, i wanna know exactly how your friends treat you.

kiri💪: umm.... sure i can but you dont have to worry about my friends, they treat me fine.

izu🥦: good, and i will decide that for myself when i see you, i will send you my address see you soon kiri.👍

kiri💪: if you say so izu, see you soon and omg you used an emoji im so proud.😭

izu🥦:well you use them all the time so i thought i would use one, glad your proud? 

kiri💪: good, right ima get my stuff, see you soon 😁👍

izu🥦: ya, see you soon kiri, be safe.

kiri💪: will do.

turning of my phone, i stand up and head downstairs to find my dads.

i make my way into the living room to find my dads cuddling on the couch, i smile slightly before walking over and sitting on the arm chair that sat to the side of where they sat.

"hey papa, dad?" i said getting there attention.

they both turned to me "what's up kid?" my dad asked.

"i was just letting you know that i invited kirishima to stay the night, he might be having trouble with his friends and we are gunna talk it over, wither he wants to or not, and we will walk to school tomorrow." i said with a small smile.

papa (mic) smiled really big and nodded "thats fine izuku if you need anything then just let us know" 

dad (aizawa) just nodded and cuddled further into papa, papa smiled down at him and started to play with his hair.

 'they are really cute together, i wish i could have something like that, i mean when kiri hugged me it was nice and i kinda want another hug, would it be weird if i asked to hug him though. i dont know maybe i will ask. papa and dad'

"dad? papa?" i got there attention again.

"yes" they answered simultaneously

i hesitated " it weird to asked someone who you haven't really been friends that long with, for a um...hug?" i looked down fiddling with my hands in my lap.

 "im sure if you ask kirishima for a hug, im sure he would love to give you one." dad answered. sounding slightly smug

"really?" i asked looking up at him

"really" my dad answered with a small smile

" thank you, uhm, im going to find the futon and set up my room, thank you for the talk" i said getting up out of my seat and making my way to my room.


sorry this is a short one but hope you enjoyed anyway, the next chapter will be a little sad but also fluff so yea.

bye, bye.

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