trust him

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third pov:

it was the next day and izuku was still in bed just staring at the ceiling.

izuku's alarm went off about 20 minuets ago but he didnt move, he honestly was just replaying the events of yesterdays lunchtime in his head, over and over and over again. trying to figure out if the whole thing was some sick joke or prank.

he was scared, scared because he cried infront of someone, he only ever cried infront of his dads and that was once when he told them about his abusive parents and his terrible past, scared because he cried in kirishima's embrace and loved it, even from one hug, he wanted another from the red head, wanted to feel his strong arms wrap around him in comfort, but he wouldn't dare admit that out loud.

but izuku was also scared of what will happen when he gets to school, will it be a prank, will kirishima actually be there for him, what does having friends even look or feel like?.

honestly izuku was just lost, puzzled by the whole ordeal.

after a few more minuets of dwelling he heard his door open and heard heavy footsteps coming towards his bed, he felt the side of his bed dip as someone sat down.

"what's wrong kid? your normally up and ready before me and mic are. you doing ok?" that was Aizawa's voice

izuku turned his head to the side to look over at his dad and sighed, "yesterday.....umm well, ima just start from the beginning, so yesterday i was sat on the roof like normal, but then someone came up and sat with me, they were saying that they wanted a small break from there friend group cuz they were loud and that they saw me go up to the roof a lot, they said they wanted to be my friend, they wanted to me MY friend, can you believe it  and then i told them no cuz they were probably gunna use me like everyone else....but then they went on a tangent about how they wouldn't and that they would prove that they were good and even said i deserve to have friends and not be lonely,......then he promised that he wouldn't leave, i cried in his arms, now im fucking terrified of going to school."  yea izuku said all that in like one breath.

it was silent for a minuet, as aizawa was taking in the information.

"was it kirishima?" aizawa asked looking at his son

"yea" izuku answered knowing his dad was smart so he didnt question how he knew.

"and, your overthinking, thinking its a prank or something" aizawa asked 

"not just that, what if kirishima brakes his promise and leave, what if i do or say something stupid and i hurt his feelings, i mean i dont even know what having friends look or feel like how the fuck im i gunna act?" izuku stressed

"you know, kirishima is a good person, he is kind and considerate of others, i know you can trust him, i mean i have taught the same class for nearly three years so i think i know a bit about my students personality's, just be yourself kid, you dont have to worry, i know its easier said than done but try and open up to him, it will do you some good i promise, let him help you, and more importantly, let yourself except help ok?" aizawa explained softly

izuku sighed but nodded anyway, sitting up and hugging his dad tightly,

"ok, come on, your gunna be late" aizawa reminded softly letting go off izuku.

"oh shit, i forgot about that" izuku jumped out of bed and started to get ready

"problem child" aizawa mumbled to himself, chuckling softly and leaving izuku to get ready.


izuku's pov:

i walked into class with dad behind me, i walked to my desk and sat down and waited for dad to explain our lesson.

"do whatever you want, just dont disturb me" 

' oh ok.....never mind then....i will not be listening to what lesson dad prepared for us because there is no fucking lesson, lazy peace of shi- '

my thoughts where interrupted by a chair that was placed infront of my desk and the red head that sat in it.

"hey midobro, how you doing" kirishima asked  leaning his elbows on my desk.

"umm.... im doing fine, what about you?"  i asked unsure.

"thats good, and im fantastic thanks for asking" kirishima beamed.

as kirishima started to talk about some random video game he and his friends play, i stared at him and took the time to analyse his features, his pink plump lips, smooth skin even with his quirk, crimson red eyes, soft facial features, and his voice is ecstatic when he talks about something he loves, like his video games or when he talks about his friends.

"hey mido you ok?" kirishima asked with concern,

' oh...i must have been staring too long'

"yea im fine, sorry i just spaced out," i said leaning back in my chair.

"sorry, i must have been boring you, i dont mean to talk so much, we can talk about something else if you wan-" kirishima started sheepishly rubbing his neck before i cut him off.

"no no, please continue, honestly its fine, i like listening to you, dont let me stop you from expressing yourself, so what about that game?" i said with a small smile.

he beamed before continuing.

i leaned in slightly, resting my elbows on the table with the side of my face resting in my palm and listened to him talk with a small smile on my face.

' i like this friendship thing so far'


do you like this one, it's a little bit rushed im sorry but i think its still ok, i hope you enjoyed this chapter, 

if im being honest i dont now where this is going but im trying so  bare with me.

i mean i have a small idea but nothing to major so im kinda making it up as i go anyways bye.


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