why'd u wanna be my friend?

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third pov:

it was lunch time and everyone was in the cafeteria eating lunch and having fun with there friends, chatting away like a normal teens would do, izuku, however, was sat of the roof of the UA building with his legs hanging of the edge with a cigarette in his hand.

izuku let his mind wonder, thinking about everything that has happed in his life.

all the good things and all the bad things, unfortunately there were a lot more bad things that has happed to izuku then good, way more than he would like to admit.

however izuku was very grateful of his dads. 'shota aizawa also known as underground pro hero eraserhead and hizashi yamada-aizawa also know as the voice hero: present mic.' for basically saving his life and helping him put it back together. (slowly, very slowly but its a working progress)

here is a little  bit of izuku's back story.

when izuku was born his biological parents were kind and considerate, but when they found out he was "quirkless" they began to abuse him and neglect his needs, you see izuku wasn't actually quirkless, the doctor that he went to gave him a false negative, izuku actually had 2 quirks. but he only uses one of them, but he still practices them both quirks. 

the quirk that izuku uses is called  "green flame"  basically just green fire but with a bit of a twist, he can change the temperature of the flames, he can make his flames really cold or really hot, he can control it very well but if he used it for to long there is a possibility that he can burn himself. (witch he has done in the past when training)

the other quirk that izuku has, the one he decides not to use is called  "telekinesis" he inherited it from his mother, but it was 10 x stronger than hers, he could move anything or anyone, liquid, solids, even peoples blood cells (so basically he can separate peoples blood cells and slowly kill them from the inside out), he could move masses so like the ground, all with his mind, if he uses it for to long he can get migraines but other than that he's good, again he still practices with this quirk but he doesn't use it in battle or anything because he hates the quirk because its a constant reminder that the women that is supposed to be his mother is an abusive asshole.

anyways, getting back on track, when izuku was 15 (he is 18 now they are in the third year of UA) he was almost beaten to death by his bio mother and farther, he was stabbed punched kick, hit, but he managed to run away, using adrenalin, he ran as fast and as far as he could until the adrenaline ran out and he collapsed.

long story short:

 aizawa and Hazashi were on a walk and found him, they were both shocked to find there student led on the ground, beaten to pulp and bleeding out, they took him to the hospital, he was treated and adopted by the hero couple, he, however was very hesitant telling them how he had been living for most of his life and that his parents were the ones who had beaten him before he managed to escape and run away due to the fact he was scared of what his parents could do, he just needed reassurance, witch aizawa and hizashi happily gave him. aizawa helped him train for the UA entrance exam and then aizawa became his teacher to help him become a hero.

because of his past izuku was very closed off and didnt really talk to anyone so he had no friends, and people thought he was weird because he didnt really talk or show emotion.

izuku had scars all over his body from katsuki and his mother and father, even some self inflicted. he also has a lot of mental issues but we will get in to that later 

katsuki still shouts, screams, pushes and shoves izuku even going as far at to use his quirk on him but it wasn't as bad as middle school so he isn't to bothered by it much anymore, plus our boy izuku can defend himself if needed.

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