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i dont know what im doing, help😭

quick reminder:

mic: papa

aizawa: dad/dadzawa


izuku's pov:

i was in my room just laying on my bed, i finished setting up about 20 mins ago.

'kiri should be here soon, i still dont know if i should ask for a hug or not i mean i really want one but i dont want to make it awkward, but i really really want that hug, fuck it ima ask-'

ding, dong, ding, dong.

my thoughts were interrupted by the door bell, i jumped up from my bed and rushed down stairs, making my way to the door i saw that papa way already there inviting kiri in.

i walked over to the front door just as my papa walked away, 

me and kiri stared at eachother for a second.

"hey" i said breaking the silence.

"hey izu, how are you?" he said back.

"im good, do you wanna come to my room and we can talk" i turned slightly to see papa watching us from the end of the corridor, peeking out, i glared at him slightly and he smiled nervously before running off, i turned back to kiri to see him looking back at me confused.

"come on" i grabbed his hand and dragged him up stairs, into  my room, closing the door behind us and i sat on my bed, patting the space next to me, kiri sat down.

"so, can you tell me how your friends treat you?" i asked after a while.

he was silent for a minuet before he sighed and looked down.

"well, umm......i guess like i said before they um...say im annoying a lot and sometimes it kinda feels like im not there, like i say something or ask a question but no one answers or even acknowledges me, im honestly not the brightest when it comes to grades but when i do get a good grade and i mention it to the group they sometimes waves it off and ignore it or just start bragging about there good grades, the only one who has never been mean to me is denki, we help eachother out cuz they do the same to him so we normally just stick together." by the time he was done i could hear in his voice that he was holding back tears.

i thought for a minuet letting the information sink in.

"well, i was right, they are assholes" i said bitterly

kiri snorted and wiped his eyes before looking up at me , i continued.

"first, your not annoying when you talk about thing you like, that not annoying i promise, if you ever get annoying i will tell you ok?, second, no one is perfect, as long as you are trying your best then that is all that matters and we can do study sections if you want i can help you learn there is nothing wrong with needing help. third, its good that you have at least denki and he can join the study sections if he wants. and finally you need to break off your friendship with the group minus denki ok? there fucking toxic and not good for you, once you do they will probably try and manipulate you to try and get you back so they can just play with your feelings again, but you have to promise me that you will not let them do that, come to me, denki even ok?, you were there for me, now let me be here for you," i explained to him.

he started crying towards the end of my little speech so,

i shuffled forwards and pulled him into a hug.

he instantly hugged back and buried his face into my chest, i just rubbed his back and whispered reassuring words into his ear.

after about 10 minuets he stopped crying but didn't make any sighs of moving, i didnt mind at all i really like the hug, 

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