xlii ; someone in particular

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"Hey, Harry." Cora Farraway smiled as she walked down the Great Hall. It was only the morning after the first task, and people were already obsessing over Harry as if they hadn't just bullied him for months straight.

"Hey, Farraway," Jupiter answered for him as he opened his mouth. Harry and she hadn't had a moment alone since the tent, yet she still felt that she had a claim on him. Not some moronic, wolfy claim or anything of that sort, but Harry was hers. All yesterday did was confirm that.

"Oh, erm... Hello, Lestrange," Cora said, her cheery smile fading into a polite and slightly awkward one.

"Black," Jupiter corrected, crossing her arms from the table as she stared at Cora blankly.


"Not Lestrange. Black." Jupiter's correction made Cora's eyes widen slightly as she made the connection.

"You- uh- alright, then..." Cora stuttered, subconsciously taking a step back. "I'll see you around, then." She turned on her heel and quickly walked back to the Hufflepuff table.

"Mate, you need to calm down," Ron mumbled through a mouthful of porridge.

"I need to calm down?" Jupiter scoffed. "She needs to calm down! It's not like I'm going to kill her or something."

"You were looking at her like it," Harry shrugged from beside her.

"So? She deserved it."

"All she did was say hello," Hermione said, absentmindedly pulling a napkin from the table to wipe up the mess Ron was creating over the wood surface.

"Yeah, but she said it to Harry," Jupiter reasoned, and Ron looked up from his almost empty bowl.

"Why does that matter, Jove?" He asked, a knowing smile plastered across his round face.

"I- er-" Jupiter stuttered as Ron and Hermione watched her intently, both of them smiling like mad while Harry found a sudden interest in the ceiling. His lips were pursed as he fought back a proud smirk. "I'm just protecting him. She only fancies him because he's famous."

"That's the only reason someone would fancy me?" Harry asked, pulling his eyes from the ceiling. He was no longer fighting the confident smirk, and Jupiter felt every word she could think of leave her head. Merlin, she hated him.

"There's more reasons than that," Jupiter scoffed after a brief panic. She rolled her eyes at him in a desperate attempt to seem like he wasn't making her stomach do backflips.

"Like what?" Ron asked, leaning forward on the table anticipatingly.

"Yeah, Jo, like what?" Harry smiled, cocking his head slightly. His dimples were prominent next to his smile as he grinned at her knowingly. There were large scars across his cheeks, seeming as they were done by a magical being so Madam Pomfrey couldn't heal them, and his arm was wrapped tightly in a sling.

"Er... you're tall."

"You only fancy me because I'm tall?"


Hermione had dropped her fork on her plate.

"Shut up, Potter," Jupiter muttered, pushing him by the shoulder as she felt her face go red. Ron and Hermione were sitting across from them, both of their mouths open in shock, while Harry, on the other hand, seemed very pleased with himself.

"I'll take that as a no then," he smirked, casually taking a drink of his pumpkin juice.

"Parcel for you, Mr. Weasley!"

A young boy scurried up to Ron, carrying a large box in his small arms. He had sandy blonde hair, bright blue eyes, and slight curls atop his smiling face.

Jupiter | Harry James PotterWhere stories live. Discover now