April 18th (Ink Realm)

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Sammy slept, and dreamt for days, after that night, or whatever time it is, when Aravis mysteriously vanished. The concept of time was long forgotten in the ink realm, so he could've slept for months. He dreamt both pleasant things and nightmares, things from the past and present collide as they patched up his muddled, broken mind. 

His axe landed in someones chest with a dull thud. He knew this sacrifice was necessary to appeal his lord. But why is there another unexplainable emotion? An aching in his own inky chest blossomed, soon turning into a great pain, as if something so valuable was torn apart from him. 

But why? Why waste feelings on a mere sheep? 

Golden tears streaked from his once-blue eyes. His body racked uncontrollably with sobs. How in Bendy, can this sheep manipulate his feelings like this? His feelings should only be dedicated to Lord Bendy, who is a saviour angel to all in the ink realm. ALL HAIL THE INK DEMON! His mind screamed with delirium.


And what's her name again? But again, why waste time remembering a dying lamb's cries? His memories of certain things, such as his hair colour, are already in a blur...That's why he wanted Bendy to set him free. Free from this dark, inky abyss he calls a body. He will set us free, he reminded himself. 


In the midst of this inky chaos, someone skirted away from him, her dirty blonde hair style in a bob, bounced with the rhythm of her footsteps, her sepia suspender skirt flowing. How...familiar. Her giggles were unlike an angel, but like a spoiled girl of good nature. Those giggles triggered a headache, as he brought a hand to his head. He had to suppress a gasp escaping from his lips. Hair. Actual hair. A cascade of dirty blonde hair. He then noticed the overall change in his complexion. His finger tips are no longer cold, but of pale skin. 

"Sammy, I am your..." The gurgles of ink drowned the other half of the sentence, "I am Ar..." The noises took over again. 

What was the name of his precious guest again? Ar...Aravis?  He mouthed the words, but each time he said it, it came out as...Arlene. He felt the thud of his axe again. The girl in the suspender skirt vanished, melting into a pool of ink. He felt that ache in his heart again. But what he didn't notice, are the chains glistening in that pool of ink. He reached out. 

An angel's cold hand locked onto his, pulling him awake. 

That's when he saw Susie Angel looming over him, her features somehow perfect, yet the tingle of being surprised did not come. His gaze settling onto the chocolate cake on the bedside table of the infirmary, Susie smiled gracefully, then pushed the cake in front of him forcefully. 

"If prophet must heed a demon's orders, he must heed an angel's too. There's not much difference between the two in this world, isn't it?" 

1930s Universe.

Sammy woke from his brief and rather uncomfortable nap on the wooden desk within his office, as a knock on the door brought some agitation. But the face he saw gave him pure bliss. Susie stood in her work dress, consisting of a dark greyish brown suspender skirt and a currant red blouse. Her raspberry lipstick tasted sweet. 

"Happy birthday, Sammy Lawrence

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"Happy birthday, Sammy Lawrence."

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