Well That's Odd

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The four of them made their way to an abandoned building. Nguyen waited by the window to confirm if it was safe from whatever the woman was running from. After a few minutes he relaxes, and they all turn to the small woman. Her wild dark brown hair seemed to be caked in old blood and she looked malnourished. She didn't even have any shoes. Suddenly, the Doc pulls out her guns and points them at the woman.

"What's the problem Doc," Royce questioned. What could have spooked her.

"She's not human, look at her eyes," She stated while not breaking eye contact. The woman took a step back and widened her eyes. Her irises dilated like the lens of a camera. A soft creaking came from her joints.

"You have five seconds to start telling us what you are before I fill you with so much lead your body won't float. One of you guys cover her eyes before we get doxed." The woman collapses onto the floor, shaking.

"I-I-I'm n-not going to dox you. My s-system can't be shared unless I download it manually." Everyone looks at her confused.

"Who or what are you and how the hell are you able to exist," Royce interrogated. There should not be any technology able to function above ground and steam power has definitely not progressed to this level.

"I'm a biomechanical medical assistant. I was created by the government before the Fallout for Project Red Angel." Freya's face went white as a ghost and slowly put her weapons away. Royce looked over at Nguyen who was equally as confused. She walks toward the woman and kneels to get on her level.

"Show me your serial number," the woman nodded and pulled her hair away from the base of her neck to reveal what looked like a metal plate fused into the skin. Freya got up and helped the woman up to a box.

"You going to tell me what is going on because y'all are acting mighty suspicious and I'm a second away from calling Vin." She locks her crazy eyes on Royce's.

"Do that and I will show you what I did to the Slav." Nguyen gulps and Royce blinks slowly. She dusts herself off, finds an old chair and sits down.

"Project Red Angel was a replacement program made the government to make super medics that could withstand the hardships of austere environments. They took human cadavers or chronic patients and basically turned them into cyborgs. Saving their nervous system to keep a level of humanity about them. I heard about it while I was working my civilian job in weapons testing before Poland, but I didn't see it in use until I was in isolation. I was so radioactive that they had to send them to treat me because they didn't want to risk normal people. The machine parts run off the electricity created by the central nervous system. Much like how the normal human CNS works to power their systems," she paused and glanced over at the woman, "what I don't understand is how you are still functional. Your kin wouldn't last long before the brain wore out and they would have to scrap the bot entirely. You wouldn't have such a long shelf life if you were made before the Fallout."

Royce was baffled. This was all happening pre-Fallout. How did he never know about this? How did Doc know this? Too many questions swirled in his head. The woman continued.

"I was close to being worn, but it was theorized that my remaining human tissue mutated to heal itself," Doc nodded as if that had made sense to her. Royce butted in with his own questions because they still hadn't established why she was here.

"What is a biomech doing in the streets of Morocco with a bag of electronic components. Who were you running from! Enough of the origin stories." The woman looked at the bag, then at Royce.

"I am not at liberty to tell you that unless I know who you are." Royce was getting frustrated.

"I am not at liberty to tell YOU that information and I suggest you start talking because as far as the world knows neither of us exist and I'm sure the guys looking for you won't be upset if you get wacked," he threatened. Freya made a "chill" hand motion. He throws his hands up aghast.

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