Chapter 1

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                                                                         Love fallen

It was a hellish morning in Hell, after Lute told Lilith about Adam's death from the last extermination, Lilith was packing her luggage to come visit Charlie a bit. She picked up her phone and called her tiny little daughter-well not tiny anymore but she just likes to think that way:

" ? Are you really calling ME ?"

"I sure am dear" (chuckles)

"OH MY SATAN I CAN'T  BELIEVE IT ! ajbeajfbreufhdskjanj" (crazy mental breakdown from a happiness overdose)

"Oh Charlie, i have something important to tell you dear."

"Oh ! sorry I got carried away. What is it mom ?"

"I'm going to visit you back in Hell for a few months, I heard you got a hotel down there ?"

"sdhfuhresugfhfbshvfhvqhqfywqkhfm" (an even crazier mental breakdown from shock and daughterly instincts idk) "OH MOM SURE WHY NOT AHHHHH I'M SO HAPPY RIGHT NOW!!!"

"There there my dear, I'll arrive next week okay ? Just don't let yourself go to much, I know it's been 7 years but I still love you, no need to freak out."


"Bye bye my little Charlie"

Charlie goes down to the rest of the staffs to tell everyone about the treasured visitor next week. Lucifer moved in to live with charlie since he has nothing to do rather than just make ducks all day, so he was also there listening to Charlie go crazy about Lilith visiting them.

"Uhhh..You mean your mom that disappeard like..7 years ago ?"-Angel skeptically said

"Well, good to hear those news from you bae"-Vaggie said as she kisses Charlie on the forehead

"The hell is goin' on here ? I didn't even know she had a mom?!"-Husk confusingly asked

"MY MOM IS COMING NEXT WEEK AND WE NEED TO MAKE THE BEST IMPRESSION OF THE HOTEL OKAY GUYS ? OMG AHHHHHHHH I'M JUST SO HAPPY RIGHT NOW!! my dad even here. DAD...DAAAD."-Charlie says as she realised Lucifer had soon left and went to his room.

"It's quite a pleasure to meet the new guest, isn't it my dear ? I'm sure your dad is just as happy as you, maybe he just didn't want to fill this living room with screams and laughs. I'll go check on him then."-Alastor says with a slightly teasing tone 

"Oh okay Al, thanks !"-Charlie says while still smiling from ear to ear like she had some kind of mental illness or something (but I assume she does have Daddy issues)

(I'm going to annoy him until that little shortie so called "dad" couldn't even make those stupid ducks anymore)-Alastor thought to himself, teleporting into the King's room

Piles and piles of ducks filled the room, Alastor sqeezed into the shadows and quietly watches Lucifer.

"Oh what am I going to tell Charlie, she's going to be so upset !"-The 6'2 king said-"How can i just tell my daughter that I'm no longer in love with Lilith and she had lost the love for me too ?"

The red deer demon silently watches, slowly emerging from the dark and lying comfortably on Lucifer's bed. He playfully watching the King of Hell blaming himself.

"I have an idea."-Alastor said

"W-What the ! You were in my room the whole time ?! You sneaky little bi-"

Alastor quickly shushed Lucifer down, the shortie is still suprised and mad.

"I heard everything you said, seems like you're in hot water here my short pal."-Alastor smiled sneakily

"Fuck i-fuck YOU ! It's none of your business you fucking red deer !"-Lucifer said with anger, horns starting to rise up under his hat

"Oh well, I may have something to offer you that will keep Charlie joyful while your 'wife' is here."

"Don't even expect me to believe anything you say Alastor'-Lucifer said with a mocking tone

" I can make special occasions for you and 'your wife' to show something affectionate to eachother to make Charlie dear happy, or you and Lilith can just look at your daughter's frown when she was trying to get you guys together again."

"Well.."-The king said with a nervous tone

"And you will help me with my daily activities for as long as your wife is still here...So ? is it a deal?"-Alastor held out his hands, green voodoo magic filled the room

"D-deal.."-Lucifer shook the red deer's hands

"Splendid..."-Alastor said, revealing his demon form for just a tad bit, then returns to his normal form.

Alright guys it's the end, I'll try my best to update and write more ! Love you and tysm for reading

{𝓕𝓸𝓻𝓫𝓲𝓭𝓭𝓮𝓷 𝔀𝓪𝔂𝓼 𝓽𝓸 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮}  ~  [ 𝓡𝓪𝓭𝓲𝓸𝓐𝓹𝓹𝓵𝓮 🍎📻 ]Where stories live. Discover now