Chapter 9

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"You fucking twink ! You think you can just take her away from me like that ? I bet my dick is better than yours !"

"Shut your cunt mouth up your ass, Adam. Stop being such a fucked-up little whiny bitch !"

"Vaggie, what's wrong ? Why are you shouting at Adam ?"

Charlie put her hand on her girlfriend's shoulders, calming her down. She looks at her parents with a concerned face.

"Darling, don't worry. We're just having a little arguement"-Lilith helped Lucifer up and the two walked away from Adam.

Everyone left the amusement park and came back to the hotel soon after. Alastor met up with Charlie and handed her Nifty.

"I need you to take care of her while I'm gone to my outing today."-He stepped out of the lobby door with that worn out smile and headed to the overlords' headquarter. (When I finished writing this sentence that one scene of the eggs kissing in the pilot hit me for some reason so...)

:) Anyway back to the story

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:) Anyway back to the story

On the way he met Zestial, the fucking 10 ft creepy ass overlord that probably couldn't even see Lucifer without crouching down.

"Alastor, charming as always."

"Zestial, pleasure to be meeting you !"

Alastor swung his cane and continue walking with the fellow overlord, though his smile was still glued to his face, his eyes aren't as carefree as most days. Those crimson eyes were carrying an invisible weight, the weight of betrayal, disappointment and fallen love.

Zestial seems to be noticing these signs, he looks down at the demon-once powerful and fearless. 

"What weighs on your soul old friend, I implore you to share the load"

"It's nothing Zestial, just...someone..But I'd rather not talk about it."-Alastor looked up at the bloody moon, memories flooding back into his frozen black heart. He longs for that touch, those yellow eyes, that smile.

They went to the meeting which is about the recent letter heaven sent from above. The letter informed that a sinner has got redeemed into heaven about a month ago.

"Welcome hell overlords, I've invited you all here because you represent the controlling powers of our city. Together you own million of souls, souls that we now know that can be redeemed into heaven. We need to discuss about what can be done to maximize the amount of sinners rehabilitated."

Carmilla was still strong and spirited, wearing her ballerina gown in her knife shoes. Her two daughters right behind her.

In the middle of the meeting, Zestial raised a hand:

"And who hath brought that sinner back to righteousness?"

"Currently, we don't have the information. There's no description about that person too."-Carmilla replied, she seemed relieved because that short bitch isn't-

"Whatever Val, I've got it handled. Now stop that voice and no I won't fuck you tonight !"

Vox kicked the door to the room, talking to the bald-ass moth on his phone. He picked a seat right next to Alastor and started scrolling on his phone.

"Hey, old timey prick. Miss me ?"-He asked teasingly, looking at Alastor 

"And who art thou, joining us in this assembly ?"

"Oh shut up, fossil. I've got someone on my mind"-Vox glanced at Alastor

"You better show some respect, Vox. Now back to the important part."-Carmilla cut the two as one of her daughters put on a presentation on the board behind her.

"We are suspecting that The Princess of Hell-Charlie Morningstar is responsible for this act. She has been operating a hotel that's meant to rehabilitate sinners, you must've known about her project too if you've watched the news."-Carmilla pointed to a photo of Charlie and her hotel on the board.

"I have an idea, how about we schedule a meeting with Heaven ? We could invite the princess to participate."-Alastor spoke up, his tentacles sprouting out to push that horny TV away.

"Alastor, you know it's impossible. None of us has the permission to even talk to Heaven."-Carmilla said

"I can ask The King himself, we are quite good friends."-Alastor said, trying to hide his feelings with Lucifer.

The meeting ended with Alastor promising to convince Lucifer to get them a meeting with Heaven. He stepped outside with Vox right behind him.

"Could you not ? I have personal space too."

"Al, you know you're obsessed with me ! Admit it !"

As the two walked on the streets, Vox grabbed Alastor's collar and tried to kiss him. Alastor took a quick glance at the sinners who were all around recording the sight, and in that crowd, he saw Lucifer.

Hey !! Omg I'm so so sorry for not posting for so long ! My finals are finally over ! I'll try my best to update more, sorry for this chapter being a bit shorter from the others. I was lacking motivation these days. Thank you so much for reading this!

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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