Chapter 8

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Lilith had a bad night, she couldn't sleep. She just lied there next to Adam and thinks about her life choices, the she asked herself: Is it really worth it to betray your own daughter for an affair ?

The next morning, she comes downstairs and hugs Lucifer, giving him a smooch. Lucifer was confused but he played along as Charlie was watching them.

"Honey, maybe-"

"Maybe we can start again ? For Charlie's sake ?"-Lucifer asked

"Oh Luci.."-Lilith wraps her long arms around Lucifer's body, meanwhile Vox's annoying ass mini camera things are spying on the two. Alastor was at the V's tower to watch with Vox, his face darkened as he felt like something sharp just split his black, cold heart in half. Meanwhile, that delusional touchscreen TV ripoff Ipad was enjoying some popcorn, he took a quick glance at Alastor's smiley face and assumed there was nothing wrong with that hot demon.

"Lucifer.."-Alastor murmured under his breath

"Uh what ? You talking to me ?"

"Shut up, don't let me make you."-Alastor grabs Vox by the collar and threatened him

"Ok ?"-Vox felt the touch, his screen heating up

Alastor teleported back to the hotel, seeing the two hugging eachother.

"Well well, having quite a loving conversation here aren't we ?"-He snapped

Lucifer flinched, he looked back up at his secret affair. Lilith smiled but said nothing, she quickly excused herself to the kitchen to help Charlie and Vaggie.

"A-Al It's not what you think-"

"I understand Lucifer, you don't need to explain anything. I assume our deal won't be broken then."-Alastor cut Luci then teleported back to Vox's

"No..come back.."-Luci said, tears started streaming down his face.

Vox was in the room chatting away with that shitty ass bald pussyface 'Valentino' when Alastor suddenly appears.

"Uh, what do you want ?"-Vox asked

" I have a rather small ask, can I stay at your place tonight ?"-Alastor said

"O-Of course ! Why not ?!"-Vox happily shouted

( Oh shit I have all those posters of him scattered around the room and even a body pillow of him what should I do ?!) - Vox thought

"Y-yeah..You can stay at my place tonight but maybe not ?"

"Why not ?"

Silence filled the room, Alastor's suspicion only grew stronger as he steps towards the door that's labeled 'Vox'.

"Hey ! Don't go inside !"-Vox shouted

One quick push and he sees the whole thing unfold. The posters, the body pillow, the laptop still showing photos of him, even a used fucking condom on the floor.

"What the fuck is this Vox ?"-Alastor spun his head around. Vox was flabbergasted, he blushed hard and was at the corner of the room trying not to look like some kid who got blamed for something they done wrong. That stupid horny dickhead excuse of a fucking moth was grinning ear to ear, he got Velvette inside to record the whole scene.

"Oooh~ Seems like we got something juicy over here~"-That horny little bitch said

"Vox ! You really should go to a doctor or somethin'"-Velvette stepped further inside the room, recording everything on her phone.

"Ughhh ! STOP !"-Vox screamed, totally embarrassed

"Voxxy, is this why you kept staying in your room all day ?"- 'That shitass mothman' spoke up

{𝓕𝓸𝓻𝓫𝓲𝓭𝓭𝓮𝓷 𝔀𝓪𝔂𝓼 𝓽𝓸 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮}  ~  [ 𝓡𝓪𝓭𝓲𝓸𝓐𝓹𝓹𝓵𝓮 🍎📻 ]Where stories live. Discover now