Chapter 2

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Next week, Lilith arrived, Charlie hugged her tightly as she welcomes her to the hotel.

"Oh..Mom I miss you soooo much!"

"Hush darling I'm here now."-Lilith says softly

"Oh hey ! Dear, it's nice to see you again"-Lucifer said nervously

"My gosh Lucifer is this really you honey ? I miss you so much !"

The two hugged eachother, but they're just best friends now since they stopped loving eachother.

"Heya old lady, care to come inside ?"-Angel shouted from inside

"ANGEL ! NO DISRESPECTING GUESTS ! SHUT UP ALREADY !"-Vaggie says, holding her spear towards the spider.

"Goddamn Vaggs, fine !"-Angel walks to the bar to chat with Husk

"Oh hi ! Are you the bad boy's girlfriend ? Nice to meet you."-Nifty said while holding a knife filled with dead roaches, but she seems harmless anyway (right guys ?)

"H-hello little-um..girl, I'm in fact Lucifer's girlfriend-wife to be honest"-Lilith nervous chuckles

Lilith went inside, greeted by Alastor

"It's quite a pleasure to meet you my queen, quite a pleasure"-Alastor smiled sharply

"Pleasure to be meeting you too, Alastor my friend"-Lilith sits next to Lucifer on the couch, opposite Alastor"

"Mom ! I'll be right back ! I'll prepare something special for you !"-Charlie yelled from the kitchen

"Well how nice of you dear ! Go on, do as you please"-Lilith happily responded to Charlie

"Well Charlie darling, I know a very nice place that serves delicious food. How about we all go eat out for dinner this special occasion hmm ?"-The red deer replied 

"OMG WHAT AN AMAZING IDEA AL THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH ! GUYS C'MON LET'S GO !"-Charlie ran out of the kitchen with glowing eyes

"Well, what's with the staring ? Let's go eat"-Alastor said loudly to the rest of the staffs

Lilith and Lucifer went out in silent, it seems like they no longer have anything to talk about. They still followed everyone else anyway.

"Al are you sure this isn't another place for jambalaya ?"-The short king questioned the deer, frowning

"Why would you think such things, this restaurant serves all kinds of food, not just jambalaya." (teasingly chuckles)

"Ugh ! I had enough of that annoying laugh of yours you damn DEER !"

"Oh ? And what are you going to do to stop me from annoying you hmm ? You little short elf"-Alastor says (continues to smile)

"Hey ! Quit that fuckin' arguement ! Can't you just get along and not threaten to kill each other for fuckin' five minutes ?"-Husk shouted sternly

"Fine ! But if you still try to pick on my nerves ever again you stupid fucking red deer I'll kill you for real !"-Said Lucifer angrily

"Mh hm, and how exactly would you kill me shortie ? Strangle me ?"-The demon teased again

"Boys ! Quiet down ! Alastor my friend are we here yet ?"-Lilith snapped at the two

"Well it seems like we are, everyone please come in ! This is one of Rosie's favorite place to dine with me."-Alastor said, grinning at the King

They all walked inside, Charlie playfully explored the place while Husk holds Nifty from not stealing any of the bleach and cleaning supplies they have there. Angel goes off to flirt with the employees there, but they don't seem to care much.

(The decoration is quite old fashioned, the atmosphere is chilling, the place is in cannibal town anyways-Wait ! This restaurant is in CANNIBAL TOWN ?!)-And that's when it hit Lucifer, it was Rosie's and that disgusting deer's favorite place to eat because it's in cannibal town where dining places serves human flesh for the cannibals to eat !

"Fuck that deer ! ALASTOR GET HERE NOW !"-Lucifer shouted

"Well what is the matter my king, you seem a bit short-tempered your highness."-The demon mocks as he gives away that ironic "Ha ha" laugh

"This restaurant serves demon meat doesn't it ?"-The king snapped, getting even angrier

"Oh deer, why would anyone take their customers out just to eat sinners ? How could you say such things ?"-The red deer said, pissing Lucifer

"This place is indeed in Cannibal Town but it doesn't mean they only have those kinds of things. They have a large variety of food here my old pal."-Alastor said before settling everyone down

"I've booked a special table just for the two of you, don't be shy, we'll still enjoy the food without your company."

Alastor said as he forcefully settle Lilith and Lucifer down to a seperate table, near the one the rest of the staffs were sitting. They had a wonderful night having delicious 'non-cannibalistic' dishes. Everyone was fully satisfied, but what about the angelic couple ? Let's take a look and see:

"Look Lilith dear I think we should let Charlie know about our relationship now"

"I don't know Lucifer, she still has hope that we can maybe 'start it all over again' but you know..I had eyes for someone else while I wasn't here."

"Oh well ! Then who is it ?"

"You might not like him but..It's Adam"


"Well yeah..We've been together for sometime now but you know..He died in Hell during the last extermination.."

"I'm sorry to hear that but I could rather say that I'm so glad he's dead, that bitch has got on my nerves that time..But I'm happy you found someone you really are interested in."

"Do you think he'll appear in Hell sometimes as a sinner ? I hope he will.."

"But why ?"

"So I can see him again, so Charlie can maybe redeem him back to Heaven."

"Well I hope so my dear."

Hehe hi! It's me the author, I know my stories are a bit short but I'm working on it ! Also tysm for reading again I love you <3

{𝓕𝓸𝓻𝓫𝓲𝓭𝓭𝓮𝓷 𝔀𝓪𝔂𝓼 𝓽𝓸 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮}  ~  [ 𝓡𝓪𝓭𝓲𝓸𝓐𝓹𝓹𝓵𝓮 🍎📻 ]Where stories live. Discover now