Chapter 3

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Everyone went back to the hotel to get some rest, Alastor told Lucifer to help him with his night chores.

"Lucifer my King I have a task for you do accomplish"

"Then say it quick, I still need to work on my new duck collection"

"Come with me to _____ and I will tell you"

The two walked quietly through the alleyways and streets, people who saw them were in great fear and curiosity: Why would the noble King of Hell follow the Radio Demon to a horrible place like _____ ?

"It seems like we've arrived at our destination, now you shortie go get me some food"

"W-what did you just say ? You literally ate at the restaurant like an hour ago ! How could you still crave food at this time ?"

"I need flesh Lucifer, flesh. Now go lure some demons or sinners here so I can do my job"

Lucifer cusses as he went and found 3 or 4 sinners that were interested in seeing The King, when they arrived at the place Alastor was, the deer turned into its demon form. Its antlers grew sharp and point, it smiled from ear to ear, a large 'x' appeard on it's forehead as its body grew taller, its limbs grew longer, sharp claws swooped at the air, long black tentacles grew from the back, piercing through the poor sinners' bodies.

"Whoa man, I never thought you would look this terrifying."

"It's nothing really, it's only for my entertainment. Now follow me, I'm going to pay my friend Rosie a visit!"

The King followed the demon as he felt something unusual, he felt like there were butterflies in his stomach but he kept that feeling a secret. (No one will ever fall in love or even like that red deer)-Lucifer thought.

Cannibal Town is still painted with bloody human organs splattered all over the streets, Rosie was talking to her clients when Alastor approached her.

"Oh hey Al, coming for a short talk ?"

"Hahaha, always enchanting my good friend !"

"Hey there ! What about me then ? Where do I keep these bodies ? Ugh, the smell's horrible !"

Lucifer talked loudly, cutting the deer's and the elegant cannibal's conversation.

"Excuse me ? We were chatting with each other, do you mind ?"

Alastor turned into his demon form, Lucifer was stunned but a bit flustered. Rosie meanwhile was watching the short king, realising his feelings for Alastor.

"Ooh ~ Interesting"-Rosie quietly talked to herself while Alastor is still spooking now blushing King.

"F-fine ! Fuck you deer !"

"Stay silent and let me finish my work with my friend Luci.."

"W-wait ?! Did you just called my..Luci ?!"

Alastor quickly realised what he just said and doesn't even know the reason why  he even said it. He blushed red and teleported back near Rosie. Lucifer still confused and even more flustered.

The night ended with Rosie giving Alastor a few souveniers . The red demon and the duck-obsessed King walked home in silence. They both don't even know what's happening inside their heads. 

(Why did I have feelings with the Radio Demon ?! Why am I flustered ?! Why is he so hot all of a sudden ?! What-Why-How ?!)-Lucifer thought to himself on the way home.

(Of course I don't have eyes for anyone ! Including that short king obviously ! I may called him Luci that moment but it's not anything important right ? I didn't mean it right ? I just wanted to annoy him..Right ?!)-Alastor also thought while walking home.

Rosie was still sitting on her bench enjoying a nice cup of tea, thinking about what just happened. Romance was her specialty anyway.

"The feared Radio Demon falling for the almighty King of Hell and Lucifer the fallen Angel having special feelings for a serial killer overlord hmm ? What an interesting sight to witness."-The cannibal told herself

Lucifer and Alastor returned to the hotel, everyone was in the living room chatting. 

"Oh hey Al, hey dad ! Where have you been ? We were looking for you !"-Charlie cheerfully asked, sitting next to her mom Lilith

"Hello dear, it's getting pretty late now. We should go rest, right darling ?"-Lilith softly said

"Have you two been fuckin' somewhere ? I smell something-"

"Hahaha ! Very funny my average feminine man ! But I do suppose we should have some sleep."-Alastor half-shouted to Angel

The deer prepared a room just for Lucifer and Lilith but...Lucifer couldn't sleep during the night. Something feels so..wrong. Alastor also couldn't rest, some kind of feeling rooted to their minds, their bodies, their hearts.

What would everyone else's reactions be when they know: The Radio Demon and The King of Hell are in love with each other ?

Also thank you for reading and supporting me ! Sorry if I made any grammar or spelling mistakes, my first language isn't English but I'm working on it. This might be a bit short but again tysm !

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