Chapter 4

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The next morning, Charlie noticed something was wrong with her dad.

"Uhh Dad ?"

"Yes my darling ?"

"You look tired, did you even get any sleep last night ?"

"Well of course yes my dear ! Why would I stay up all night ? What a ridiculous thing ! Haha !"-Lucifer lied, forcing a nervous and awkward laugh

Lilith also think Lucifer had something on his mind, after breakfast with pancakes (Yum !) she went to ask her husband about the matter that's been bothering him.

"Luci..I know there's something on your mind, what is it my dear ?"

"N-no. Nothing Lily, there's nothing wrong with me ! See ! I'm still very strong and healthy !"-The shortie half-shouted, swinging his apple cane in the air

Lilith watched as she continues to feel sorry for Lucifer. (But he doesn't seem to have anything too bad bother him..right ?) 

Meanwhile, Alastor walked downstairs with that iconic smile on his pale face. He doesn't look so tired but if you really pay attention, you'd be able to see his real emotions : He's so fucking tired he wants to die

"Heya Creepyface ! What'cha doin' wakin' up this late ?"

"Well, I decided to give myself some rest, my feminine fellow ! Sometimes Hell could be a bit tiring these days with all the crimes and sins am I right !"-Alastor made some laughs appear in the background like it was a funny joke

"Whatever dude ! Stop with that scary sound effect okay ?"-Angel went to the bar to flirt with Husk

While Angel Dust and the deer was goofing around, Lucifer couldn't help but stare breathlessly at The Demon. 

(Something about that 'Dickhead' is just so attractive)

"Alright then dear, but if you got anything you want to share with anybody, i'm always there okay ?"-Lilith soothingly said

"Oh-oh yeah ! Yeah ! Thanks-Uh, Lilith ! Thanks alot ! Hehe.."-Lucifer flinched, his eyes stopped focusing on Alastor

"Mhmm..Very good."-Lilith said as she slightly kissed Lucifer on the forehead

Vaggie and Charlie was in the kitchen watching Nifty playfully search and kill bugs when Alastor went inside to make himself some jambalaya.

"Oh hey Al ! Looking for jambalya ?"-Charlie asked cheerfully

"Why yes sweetie dear ! I suppose you left some for me after breakfast ?"-The deer asked, waving his cane 

"Right ! I cooked a lot and I'm not sure it'll suit your appetite so maybe you can try a bit before digging in !"

"Seems like the two of you fools stopped messing around huh ? What a rare sight to witness ."-Vaggie teased

"Yeah, why aren't you and the bad boy fighting with each other anymore ?"-Nifty curiously asked

"Well I'm not very sure about that Nifty but I am positive that I will enjoy Charlie's jambalaya !"

"Aw ~ Thanks Al !"-Charlie exclaimed

"No need to thank me my dear, good day !"

After finishing the quite average jambalaya, Alastor went to the lobby to check on everyone. Husk and Angel chatting while drinking, Nifty is now sitting on Alastor's shoulder smiling, but someone caught his attention : Lucifer

Lilith already left to her room, looking at her old couple photos with Adam and :ucifer is sitting on the couch, having nothing to do, staring at the ceiling. The Demon teleported, sitting next to him while humming a soft but creepy tune through that radio filter of his. Lucifer stopped what he was doing and blushed a little bit, he's never been this near to Alastor ever before. (I mean they were pretty close to each other like 'physically' in episode 5 but it's when none of them had feelings for each other or whatever, now back to the story where were we ?)

"Uh Alastor ?"

"Hmm ?"

"Why are you suddenly so..quiet and..close to me today ?"

"Oh don't be silly you short ass, someone may come in the hotel just about now and I don't want them to see an old, miserable looking man all alone on the couch ! Besides, Charlie is delighted to see us not shouting and cussing this morning !"-Alastor said softly, his radio-filtered voice sounded so smooth and enchanting

Lucifer blushed hard as he listens to him, his voice is too damn hot. But it seems like the Red Demon couldn't control its body anymore, he didn't know why he wanted to sit next to that King! He didn't know why he talked to nicely when he's near him ! He also blushes slightly but hides those feelings with a grin, mocking Lucifer. But the shortie is now daydreaming 'bout whatever you delusional people thinks of with their crush ! (I'm aromatic srry if I said anything disrespectful <3)

"Well well, thought you two'd never get close huh ?"-Angel suddenly said loudly from behind both of them

"Goddamn it Angel ! Fuck you !"-Husk shouted from the bar

"You know it Husker ! Now gimme that kiss like our deal said ~"-Angel said in a flirty tone

While Husk and Angel Dust was goofing around at the bar, Alastor and Lucifer sat quietly next to each other. With Lucifer blushing red and Alastor flustered, he blushed pinkish and the smile became crooked.

"Uh Dad ? Why are you blushing so hard ?"-Charlie asked cautiously

"You know, Al there is also blushing too babe."-Vaggie told Charlie, looking confused

"Oh ! H-Heya Char Char ! Haha ! Didn't knew you were there !"-Lucifer said in shock, standing up sweating

"My dear is there a problem ? Because I'm sure I'm not blushing even a bit !"-Alastor sternly said

"Well okay then, I'll leave you guys alone. We're going to buy some supplies for the hotel, I hope both of you could watch over it."-Charlie asked

"Of course Appleseed why not ! We-I mean I'll take good care of it, count on me !"

"Goodbye sweetie !"-Alastor waved goodbye

Husk (He's flustered by that kiss with Angel), Angel (Sooo flirty rn), Vaggie, Charlie and Nifty went out. They left Al and Luci at the hotel, not knowing what would happen next

About half an hour after they left, Lucifer opened up to Alastor.

"H-hey um-Al.."-Lucifer nervously spoke

"Don't even say a word to me shortie, I'm returning to my room now ! Toodles ~"-Alastor snapped, but that "Toodles" left Lucifer lovesick

"W-wait !"-Lucifer chased behind but Alastor already teleported to his room

The truth is, The Demon didn't mean to say that. He's just so confused about this fuzzy feeling everytime he's near Lucifer, that caused him to get mad with himself and he took it off on The King. He curled up in the blankets and cursed himself not knowing what to do, tears started to stream down his pale face

Meanwhile, Lucifer went to the bar to grab a drink. He was upset about Alastor shouting at him but also yearns for his company. He quickly became drunk and at that moment, he went upstairs to Alastor's room, kicked the door down.

{𝓕𝓸𝓻𝓫𝓲𝓭𝓭𝓮𝓷 𝔀𝓪𝔂𝓼 𝓽𝓸 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮}  ~  [ 𝓡𝓪𝓭𝓲𝓸𝓐𝓹𝓹𝓵𝓮 🍎📻 ]Where stories live. Discover now