Chapter 5

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The deer flinched, looked up at Lucifer with teary eyes.

"Lucifer ?"


The deer went to Lucifer, confused at this moment when...suddenly...Lucifer fell into his arms because he's too damn drunk (Haha did I get you there ?). Alastor holds the snoring King in his arms, smiling softly. He puts Lucifer in his bed and covers him with his blanket. The Radio Demon couldn't help but kisses on the King's forehead, whispering:

"I love you, Your Majesty" 

Then the lobby door opened, everyone was back. Alastor quickly locked the door before coming out to greet them.

"Oh shucks, seems like you two didn't knock the whole place down huh ?"-Angel said, glaring at Husk

"Fine you Bitch !"-Husk said after kissing Angel once again

"Wow ! You both learned to get along pretty well huh Al ? Where's my dad anyway ?"-Charlie asked

"Oh, he drank to much and now he crashed inside my bed. Should've locked the door that time ! Haha !"-Alastor nervous chuckles

"Alright ? Seems a little suspicious there Smiley Face. You sure you didn't fuck each other while we were away ?"

"Shut up Angel !"-Vaggie threatened

"Ugh fine ! But I'm still watching you there Smiles ! Better watch out !"

Alastor turned into his demon form, scaring Angel away then coming back up to his room to wake Lucifer up.

"Lucifer my old pal, I think you sh-"

Lucifer suddenly ran to Alastor and hugged him tight, not letting go. He hasn't gotten out of the drunk yet. The Demon was totally flustered by that warm hug, looking down at that shortie, he realized Lucifer doesn't look that bad ? He was short and cute and has a nice haircut and his weird obbsession with ducks and.......(rambling about what he likes about him)

"I knew what you said to me a while ago"-Lucifer said, now Alastor heard sobs coming from Luci

He didn't know what to say or how to act. He just closed and locked the door. He sat down his bed, now that Lucifer's grip became weaker, he put Lucifer on his lap.

"Why are you sobbing ?"

"Because you never told me you ever loved me bitch ! I hate you !"

"Shh..You never told me too dearie."

"It doesn't matter anymore I think."

Lucifer looked up after saying that and kissed Alastor on the lips, Alastor was a bit shocked but kissed back. The two of them kissed ( What a lovely scene aww ~ )

It's getting pretty dark, everyone was getting ready to go to sleep. Lucifer is now extremely drunk and it seems like he won't leave to his room, Alastor sighs.

"But, you have to get back to your room.."

"Fuck that, I don't wanna sleep alone tonight."

"Fine, I guess.."

The deer snapped his finger, he turned both of them into pyjamas. He kissed the curled up King on the forehead once again and lied on the bed with him. To be honest, it was the best night for them. They slept peacefully together, feeling the sweet scent of budding love. 

Morning came, Alastor woke up first and changed into his iconic normal clothes. He comes downstairs to make breakfast, this was the first time he wanted something other than jambalaya. 

"Good morning Al, did you sleep well last night ?"-Charlie asked in a cheery tone

"I slept well, thank you for asking sweetie."-Alastor replies

"By the way, do you know where my dad is, I checked his room but it seems like he disappeard or something."

"Oh I'm sure he's just goofing around somewhere, don't worry my dear."-He lies

"Okay then, what are you making anyway, it smells good !"

"I'm making pancakes today."

"Wow ! Never thought you'd eat anything other the than jambalaya !"-Charlie let out a small gasp before preparing the dishes on the table

It was time for breakfast, everyone else woke up and went downstairs. Lilith was skipping happily on the way down, smiling. Nifty quickly formed a bond with her, she was on her shoulders smiling with her too. Husk was already at the bar drinking some cheap booze while Angel lied lazily on the couch, scrolling his phone with Fat Nuggets beside him. Lucifer was running downstairs with his normal day-to-day outfit, looking more energetic than ever before.

"Time for breakfast everyone ! Gather around the table, Alastor cooked all these pancakes today!" -Charlie half-shouted

"Wait, Smiley Face cooked WHAT ?!"-Angel's jaw dropped

"Am I high or are you really eating something different for the day, Boss ?"-Husk confusingly asked

"Ohhh ! Seems like you changed Alastor !"-Lilith playfully said, holding Nifty in her arms

They quickly stopped talking, some took a bite and was shocked by the horrific taste. Nifty on the other hand was finishing everyone's plate, looking just as terrifying. Lilith's smile faded as she watched the little demon devour the pancakes like a beast, now she looks curious. Alastor still enjoyed the food he made, he took a quick glance at Lucifer, he was struggling to eat those pancakes too.

( Godamn these pancakes taste horrible, they taste like human flesh. But I still have to finish them, Al was the one who made these anyway)-Lucifer thought

"Well, if you don't like my pancakes, I will make jambalaya then."-Alastor said with a frown but still holds his smile

"Oh thank Satan, they taste like flesh !"-Angel said

"I mean..They are made of flesh, spider."-Lilith quietly said

"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY ? THEY ARE ACTUAL HUMAN FLESH ?!"-The whole dining room was a total chaos after what Lilith said

Nifty was still gobbling down more pancakes, Vaggie went to the toilet to puke, Angel and Husk ran to the bar to chug down some beer to forget what they just put in their mouth, Lilith was comforting Lucifer, he went to a corner to question his life, Charlie fainted on the table, Alastor went inside the kitchen to cook jambalaya, completely not caring about things around him.

After Charlie made a whole new breakfast for the staffs, they are finally able to eat peacefully. But The King had some questions about Lilith's mood today, she seems happier, more energetic. He thought about it before finishing his plate of pancakes that he made. 

Everyone went back to their daily activities, Alastor secretly kissed Lucifer before visiting Rosie. Lucifer approaches Lilith who is looking after Nifty while petting Kee Kee.

"H-hey there, honey."

"Oh hi Lu, what's the matter ?"

"I noticed you've been smiling and laughing all day, can you tell me why ?"

"Oh ! Maybe I didn't tell you that this morning."-Lilith puts Kee Kee down, smiling even wider

"A-"-Lilith was only able to say a single word when the hotel door was pushed over, a pale figure stood there with hatred in his red eyes. He was carrying an axe, he shouted:


{𝓕𝓸𝓻𝓫𝓲𝓭𝓭𝓮𝓷 𝔀𝓪𝔂𝓼 𝓽𝓸 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮}  ~  [ 𝓡𝓪𝓭𝓲𝓸𝓐𝓹𝓹𝓵𝓮 🍎📻 ]Where stories live. Discover now