Chapter 7

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Husk lifted Nifty up and tuck her in, then he returned to the bar to drink. He didn't know that little girl was hiding a secret.

Alastor and Lucifer returned to Lucifer's room, they both changed into their pyjama's, The Radio Demon was significantly charming tonight. His eyes glowed in the dark and his eerie smile still knocked Lucifer off, but he was just not embracing that sweet feeling this time. Alastor reached in for a hug, but Lucifer refused, pushing him away. The Demon's eyes widened, a feeling a shock raced through his bloodthirsty mind.

"Luci ?"

"I-I'm..I'm sorry, Al. I can't"-Lucifer replied, running from the room and into Alastor's room. He closed the door and sobbed, a feeling of guilt bounded him, its heavy hands drowned him from his wish for love. He doesn't want to make Charlie cry, he doesn't want to disappoint his beloved daughter, she's had enough from all of this family drama, from her mother having an affair with the one person she hated most, he couldn't bear watching her tears stream down her face ever again.. He doesn't want to accept this feeling he already had with Alastor.

Meanwhile, Alastor stood still in Luci's room. He doesn't understand why Lucifer left him like that, he's never experienced love before and this was the first time he's ever wanted to protect someone, to spend eternity with someone, to never fail someone. He teleported outside, changing back into his normal clothes, he's going to someone he hadn't met for ages. He's going to Vox's.

"WHAT ?"-Velvette answered the door, wearing her pink pyjama's

"I'd like to-"


"Well, I suppose-"


Vox came outside, wearing a brand new suit (I think he wants to impress Alastor, what do you think ?). Velvette frowned as she returns to her room.

"Well well well, let's see you came all the way here hmm ? Begging to join us ?"

"Oh, still an asshole like normal my old pal. I came here for a talk, I could go if you mind-"

Vox quickly pushed Alastor inside, sitting him down a couch. He smiled and gestured Alastor to start the conversation first because he's a pussy-

"According to what I've heard from your 'colleague', you've always talked about me ?"

"Uh-No ! Uhm- Why would I ramble about an old-timey prick like you ? Haha ! You must be kidding"-Vox flinched at this question, trying to answer in a mocky tone but ends up flustered

"I have a bit of a problem that I think you would be perfect to accomplish."

"W-What ? You're asking me to do something for you ? You thought I'd agree ?"-Vox laughed at the Demon, trying not to sound happy

"Then let's make a deal then"

"You even think I'd make a deal with you ? Haha !"

"I will give you the power to control all of electricity and technology in Hell for 7 days, and you will help me spy on Lucifer for 7 days."

"Why Lucifer ? You mean that twink ?"

"Some secrets are better left untouched my friend, and yes it is indeed The King of Hell"

"Well, it does seems nice to have access to everyone's computers. So yeah, I'll help you !"

(Why is this asshole acting so nice all of a sudden)-Alastor thought to himself as they shake hands.

They shook hands, Vox knew he could do anything to any electronic devices in Hell, but he couldn't miss shaking hands with his crush. Besides, spying on anyone isn't a problem with him. Alastor quickly leaves after that, he wanted to know the reason why Lucifer acted like that. That night, he slept in Lucifer's room, wondering about all of this and asks himself: Is it all worth it to do anything just to ensure his first love is doing fine ?

Lucifer remembered the happy days he spent with Lilith and Charlie, the days he only had eyes for Lilith-a desperate soul trying to find company, and he only cared for his one and only daughter that carried his lover's dream to make Hell a better place-Charlie. Suddenly it's now falling apart so fast, and the one who has to bear all those scars from the dirty splashes of forgotten love and doomed hopes ? That's his daughter-Charlie.

The princess of Hell stood near her window, staring at the red, sinister streets, glancing at the bloody sky, stars race across it like her life-racing across the ugly truth to continue its dream. She couldn't sleep. Those red eyes holds voices that only she could understand, sad tunes hummed from her lips, sprouting out in the atmosphere, bringing her thoughts far away as if she hopes it could help her get rid of the sorrows she could no longer smile through. She needs someone to share her feelings with, and she was afraid that it's not her girlfriend Vaggie. She went to Rosie's.

She quietly crept through the dim corridors, opened the lobby door and walked through the buildings, they seem to feel her eyelids flickering in sadness. Sinners no longer bother her with chaos, she went to Cannibal Town, hoping that Rosie would still be up at this hour. She pushed the door open, and to her surprise, Rosie sat there, enjoying tea.

"Well hello my dear ! What are you doing here ? Oh my look at you ! Come here, let Auntie Rosie help you."-Rosie gave a sympathetic smile while drying Charlie's eyes with some tissue, she was already knew something was off when that smile on Charlie's face weren't there.

"Thanks, Rosie."-Charlie sniffed, finally able to lit up 

"Alright now, tell me what's been goin' on darling, I know you had something to say."


Charlie told Rosie everything, Rosie gasped at every word from her. 

"Well, you know darling, sometimes..We get worn off when something's too frequent, like your mother and that bird.."

"Sometimes, things need to change my dear. We can't just hold onto the rusted memories while chasing the fast pace of life and new opportunities."-Rosie stopped talking and took a sip of her tea before glancing at Charlie, she seems okay, she looks better now, she's smiling again.

(I forgive you now, mom.)-Charlie thought to herself

"Thank you, Rosie. Thank you for helping me."-She stood up, hugged Rosie then waved her goodbye after returning back to the hotel.

(Just a quick note to you, my delusional mind has a lot going on about the plot and all the little details that might add a little spice to the storyline )

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