Chapter 3~

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I'm sitting here getting some sun and being quiet when suddenly from afar I hear those stupid boys calling again.

"Hey Anya! You here too. I wasn't expecting that at all." Yes, he expected it, it's the only place nearby where you can rest, take a bath and be at peace from anyone, "So are you coming with us for a drink?" He asked in a low scratching voice.

"Get out of my way! I ask you nicely.".

"You really don't know who I am, do you? If you did, you would already be at my feet on your knees bending over to accept you into our circle."  His voice was cold and biting, "They told me about you and I know that you are a very stubborn girl and if I'm not mistaken your mother screwed almost the whole town before getting married..." his voice was contemptuous and coldly, "There wouldn't be anything wrong if her daughter also followed in her footsteps, what do you think, eh guys?" He turned towards his fucking friends and I no longer understood anything.

I clenched my fists so tightly I could feel my nails digging into my flesh, I gritted my teeth as my breathing became heavy. Before she could say anything else he got punched in the face. The only thing he was doing now was whining like a baby and going to his mommy.

The boy was shocked by my reaction, but not enough to make him run away. As soon as he turned towards me I noticed that blood was dripping from his nose and that he was red with anger and he began to scream and curse, "YOU filthy bitch I'm going to kill you! I can assure you that you will pay for it!" While he spoke he was foaming at the mouth, his eyes looked like they were about to burst like the veins in his callus. At any moment he could have had a heart attack.

"I warned you kid! You should have gotten the fuck out the first time I asked you." Smoke face to face separated us by just a few centimeters and I could smell his breath as if I had it around my neck. What a stomach-churning thing he was making me just looking at him, "Call whoever you want, I have nothing to lose, but I'll tell you again and I'll try to be clearer this time. GET THE FUCK OFF!" I looked at him without ever taking my eyes off and tried to be confident and make myself look bigger than him.

"Come on buddy let's go." One of his friends said as he pulled him by the forearm to take him away, but this one was tough, he didn't want to give up, he continues to look at me with hatred and anger.

I was about to open my mouth, but I let it all go, wasted breath and fucking time too. I just wanted to be at peace, why is it so difficult? Even at work they still look at me with distrust and disinterest, even after months of commitment and hard work I am still an outcast.

I took some deep breaths and to take away the last moments of adrenaline and anger, I threw myself into the water, perhaps with a bit of swimming I would have loosened up a little and taken away this moment of useless stress.


I was about to resurface from the water when I noticed something strange... I tried to look better and little by little I put my head out of the water and what I was selling was out of the ordinary.

'WHY THE FUCK ARE MY CLOTHES FLOATING IN THE AIR?' I screamed in my head. There was nothing or no one that I could see with the naked eye. My brain was trying to understand or rather find a logic to what I was watching and the only thing I could think of was that those guys were playing a prank on me. By force.

"HEY GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY CLOTHES!" I screamed as I came out of the water and walked towards my clothes and then back to land.

I got to the shore, but I didn't see anyone nearby or a footprint or anything... I have this feeling of being watched again. It seems to be a furtive and curious look.

Oh my god I absolutely have to get drunk and eat those weed biscuits, so that I will forget everything and be more relaxed, I thought to myself as I got dressed and went to get my bike, not looking forward to doing the climb again, but in reverse.  I'm already excited about the idea.

I stood at the top of the hill ready for the descent when I heard, for the umpteenth time, my name being called from behind. It's them again, but this time the idiot kids have increased.

"I TOLD YOU BITCH THAT I WOULD MAKE YOU PAY FOR YOUR INSOLENCE!" He is screaming like crazy again, his eyes were bloodshot, his face was red like fire and everyone was ready to chase me. The only problem was that I wouldn't have had time to save myself. They are in the car and scooter while I am only on the bike.

Before going down I gave him my favorite hand sign. The middle finger always works, "Come on guys we have a girl to get."

While they started their cars and engines I started to quickly get out and started thinking of a plan.  There was no way I could get to the town before them, I would surely have been thrown off the cliff long before.  Calling the police was impossible, none of them would arrive in time.  Calling Erina was no use, she certainly wouldn't have saved me.

I couldn't help but start pedaling and look for a safe place.  So I started to go down the slope and then immerse myself in the dense nature.


I've been wandering around the forest for an hour trying to stay away from the road, I wanted to go home, but I didn't want to risk taking them to my house.

"Erina, hi, sorry to bother you, but can you tell me who the fuck is this one?"  In the meantime I called my friend, I needed comfort and a witness if something happened to me.

"What do you mean, who the fuck is this one? Blonde, tall, blue eyes and a dick-like stance? Who do you want him to be? He's the son of the mayor of the city, well who do you expect?"  She simply said, "But I don't remember the name... amm."

"Oh fuck...Erina I'm in a mess..."

"Why doesn't this surprise me? At least tell me that you have become acquaintances or good friends..."

"I punch him in the face.”  I said it all in one breath.

"ARE YOU DUMB? HOLY CHRIST!...How did you manage to punch him? That... why?" She blurted out agitatedly.

"Because I don't trust him, he has ulterior motives. He and his fucking friends, plus he dared to talk about my family and you know I don't forgive anyone who gets my family involved." I said in a serious and haughty tone.

"Yes, I know this, but did you really have to act like that? Come on..."

"Shhh... I hear someone coming." I said softly as I glimpsed lights in the distance and heard voices coming closer and closer, "I'll call you back." I placed the phone in a position that would record everything that might happen.

"Here it is finally. Little girl we've been looking for you everywhere."  The mayor's son said with his usual fucking maniac grin, "I warned you that I would make you regret what you did to me. As you can see, I brought some company."

"Did you call them because mom wasn't answering to cuddle you or what?" I said defiantly.

"You filthy bitch, now let's see how you do. Come on guys, have fun."

In total there were 8 of them and I was only one, but if they were stupid enough I might even be able to swallow some of them so I could escape.

It's certainly not my intention to apologize or get caught without first putting up a fight or at least trying.

It's certainly not my intention to apologize or get caught without first putting up a fight or at least trying

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