London Awaits

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As we got deeper into the movie, my dad got more and more mesmerized by it. His nerdiness was really showing when he started telling me facts about Dr Strange, it was so precious.

We were really enjoying ourselves, laughing and generally just relaxing and taking in eachothers energy without my parents worrying about work and me not worrying about school. These are the moments I live for.

One character really caught my attention though. It was a girl with shoulder length hair with bangs that layed messily on her forehead and brown eyes that made me feel like she could read me like an open book with just one look.

She wore a washed out denim jacket with red and white stripes and a LGBT pin. She was very beautiful. I never caught her name in the earlier scenes, I need to know who she is.

"Dad, who's the girl?" "Oh, that's America Chavez, she has the ability to travel the multiverse." I knew he would know who she was. "Cool, thanks dad."

I continued watching the movie, almost forgetting the whole reason why we were watching it in the first place. I guess now is my time to tell them.

"I have to tell you guys something" they turned their attention to me without saying anything and gave me a signal to continue. "I got an update about the casting while I was out, I got pinned." "Oh my God, honey, that's amazing!" my mom said while hugging me. "You amaze me more and more every day kiddo" my dad ruffled my hair and joined the hug.

"So, what happens next?" "I still don't know all the details, but they want me in London for an in person audition. They will contact me and tell me the details." "You are on fire sweetheart"

"We have to celebrate, this is a big milestone" my mom chimed in "Heck yeah we do, our daughter is going to London. When is your next day off honey?" "I won't have a day off for a while, but I could ask Elizabeth to switch shifts with me for a day, what about you?" "Same, but I'll see if I can move a minor surgery."

"You don't have to do all that, I mean, I only got pinned. It doesn't mean that I'm gonna get the role." "But we want to do it" my mom said before my dad added "We're doing it and that's final."

"Okay, if you say so" I looked at the clock that was hanging on the wall in our living room just to see that it was almost midnight. "I should get to bed, it's getting late" I stood up and started heading up the stairs to my bedroom. "Goodnight honey" my parents said as they too made their way to their bedroom.

I took a shower and did my skincare before taking my laptop and getting into bed. I'm not very tired so I have to find something to do.

I decided that I'm gonna do a little research on America Chavez and see what I can find, maybe the new movie has something to do with her. It's Marvel after all. I started my search, finding some interesting things about her as a hero and about the movie in general.

After a lot of scrolling I started to become tired and looked at the time only to see that it was 3 am. Dang, it's late. I closed my laptop, set it aside and got comfortable in my bed, my mind working at the speed of light.

I can't sleep when my thoughts are this loud, practically screaming at me, so I put my earbuds in and play some music to drown the little voice at the back of my head that keeps trying to destroy my sanity and let the darkness consume me as I start to fall asleep.



The rays of sun that somehow made their way through my blinds illuminated in my room making me stir wake from my slumber. I stretched and grabbed my phone that was right next to me. Noon, nice.

I spent some time to check if I had any messages and stuff like that before going down to the kitchen where my mom was preparing lunch and dinner for herself since she was getting ready for work. "Morning" I said, still groggy from sleeping. "Good morning sweetheart, how did you sleep?" "Okay, you?" "I slept well, I feel very well rested to be honest." "That's good. Where's dad?" "He had to go to work early this morning, I'm about to go too so I made you some breakfast."

I swear sometimes I feel like the only thing they do is work and nothing else. "Oh, okay, thanks mom" I made my way over to the kitchen island where my breakfast was waiting for me. "What are your plans for today?" "I don't know, I don't have anything planned to be honest. I'm probably just gonna paint or something like that." "That's nice, well I need to go. I'll see you after my shift, let me know if you find out anything about London." she walked over to me and planted a kiss on my forehead before making her way out of the house. "Have a good day at work." "You too, see you later."

After she left I ate my breakfast and made my way back to bed since I had nothing to do. I just scrolled for a good two hours before deciding that I wanted to paint. I took all my supplies to the backyard and grabbed a chair since I didn't want to stand in front of the easel the whole time.

I put my headphones on and played Taylor Swift. The song Cardigan started playing and I lifted my paintbrush and it started dancing across the canvas.

I use painting as a distraction. It takes my mind off of things that bother me and it stops me from overthinking. I take all of those thoughts that are suffocating me and throw them on a canvas creating a nice picture.

I don't plan what I'm gonna paint, I just let my hand and heart guide me till I get to the point where I like how it looks and think it would be worth hanging on my bedroom wall. That's why I have a wall full of canvases of different shapes, sizes and pictures in my room.

Today I'm painting a waterfall with colorful little flowers, trees and animals all around it. An ideal place for a person to relax their mind. You could say it's a happy place. Halfway through the painting, my music stopped and I got a phone call.

It was from an unknown number. Normally I don't answer these types of calls, but since I'm expecting a call about the audition, I had to answer. I wiped my hand off my paint stained shorts and answered the call.

"Hello?" "Hi, I'm looking for Lana Bennett." "This is she, how may I help you?" "I'm Amanda Fitzgerald, casting assistant at Marvel Studios. I'm calling to inform you about the in-person audition." "It's nice to meet you Amanda" "It's nice to meet you to miss Bennett, now, should we get on with the details?"

I had to sit down, this was really happening. "Sure" "Very well then, as you have been informed the in person casting will be in London on July 29th, but you will have to be in London for a week. Is that okay?" "Yeah, it's totally okay" "Glad to hear that. All of your travel expenses will be paid for in full including the hotel you will be staying in. Please contact us if you have any questions before the audition and we will send all of the information in writing via email."

"Could you sent it to my agent, so that he's up to date with everything?" "Of course we can. One more thing, please send us the exact number of people that will be with you during your stay in London."

"Okay, that won't be a problem, I'll have my agent send you the information." "Thank you for your time miss Bennett, we look forward to meeting you." "Thank you, it would be my pleasure, have a good day." I said before ending the call.

Things are getting real very quickly.

𝑺𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒖𝒔 ~ 𝑿𝒐𝒄𝒉𝒊𝒕𝒍 𝑮𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒛Where stories live. Discover now