Chapter 1: Child of Shadow

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Small disclaimer: I do not own any images or the story of One Piece. This is a self insert, so I will try my best not to describe your character's appearance. Personality traits and small details here and there are the only things I will have control over.


You were merely a child when Donquixote Doflamingo took seize of your neighboring country of Dressrosa, but you couldn't forget it. You can still recall the way your father's face contorted into dread when his transponder snail began to ring, his usual poised demeanor suddenly shattering before you. It was true, your father supported King Riku as he kept the peace with your country, staying out of your family's business dealings. He liked that he could carry out assassination orders without worrying about watching his back at every turn when it came to Dressrosa, not that he had any orders carried out there before anyways. However, he may have had dipped his toes in the black market every now and then, per certain client requests. That was something he liked to keep under wraps, not wanting his citizens to find out about his darker side.

Badababadabada- click-

Thirteen year old you had watched the way his hand trembled as he picked up his transponder snail, you stationed beside his black arm chair.

"Well, well, well," a voice sung as the transponder snail took on a pink shell with red glasses, "If it isn't King Warren! I hear you once supported old King Riku."

"Joker," your father quietly said, "I had heard the rumors, but didn't think it was true." You could see him struggle to maintain the clarity in his voice, whoever this person was, he frightened your father. The man who had taught you that emotions only got in the way of the job, now sat beside you absolutely terrified.

The transponder snail began to laugh hysterically, "I hear your family has some blood on their hands." Your father swallowed harshly as it continued, "along with some black market trading?"

"It was only because our economy was failing," your father gruffly responded as he nervously reached into his pocket and began to light up a cigar. You leaned away as you eyed the transponder snail curiously, wondering who this Joker person was. "As for the blood... well..." he inhaled deeply before releasing a large puff of smoke, "that's just business."

"I hear you have a family of assassins, ones trained under some cruel rules," the voice had a hint of amusement, "how can I be sure you won't send any my way?"

Your father put his elbows on his work desk, the transponder snail in between them, "I can promise you my full support."

"Not enough," the voice interrupted, "I need something more valuable," he snickered.

"If it's money-"

"I hear you have a daughter," the transponder snail had a wide smile, "one that's been training."

Your father froze, the cigar hanging out of his mouth as his eyes painfully drifted over in your direction, "she won't be of any use to you. She's only thirteen, has barely any battle experience."

The snail began to laugh as sweat began to profusely roll down the side of your father's cheek. He knew Doflamingo was an aggressive tactician, but to take his only daughter? "Listen Joker!"

The snail stopped laughing, "it's King Doflamingo now, you'd be wise to remember that." The room fell silent as your father rubbed the right side of his temple, his brows furrowing in thought. "Now, as for my proposal. You trade me your daughter, and I'll promise not to let anything... get out."

Two, large hands slammed down on the table causing the transponder snail to jump, your own body flinching away from the sudden outburst. "Why not a seasoned man! Surely they'll serve you better!" His voice boomed, the walls of his office vibrating.

Doflamingo began to click his tongue in annoyance, a single vein popping on the snail as it fell silent. Even from here, you could sense the intensity. You placed a hand on your father's shoulder, "you have trained me the best you could, I can do this," you gently said. Your father met your gaze, you could tell he was thinking hard on what you said. "Remember our motto? Block all emotions, only focus on the mission. Emotion is a weakness," you recited to him.

"Very well..." your father somberly muttered as he hardened his look, "if it's to protect my country, then I agree to your condition Doflamingo. But only if you can promise her protection."

"It's a deal then," Doflamingo cackled, "I'll have someone from my family escort her over." Calick, the snail abruptly cut off, leaving you two in a puzzled state.

Your father stood over you, "I'm sorry," he yanked you into a hug so fierce that you could barely breathe. "What would your mother think of me?" You could feel his shoulders shake as he struggled to hold back his tears. He may have drilled the ways of his ideal assassin into you, but he was still human. He couldn't cut off all emotional ties, not when it came to you.

You gazed up at him as you watched his facade crumble, a broken man peeking through his usual stoic face. He truly did have a soft spot for you, and it was also exploited so easily by Doflamingo. His web of associations expanded far beyond what your father predicted. In the course of his lifetime and even his own parents, never has someone dared to challenge him. You let out a sigh as you buried your head into his large, barreled chest, "mother would be proud."

You felt him stiffen at your words, then the room filled with sobs, his entire body wracking. You let out a breathy laugh, you'd never seen him this emotional before, it felt strange to you. The only time you remembered him showing any emotion was when your mother died of illness three years ago, and even then he locked himself in his room for an entire week.

"I trained you in hopes of protecting yourself and keeping our family's values alive and now," he cried, "I'm sending you into the slaughter house!" His grip tightened around your body, then a sudden gust of air surged between you two as he released you. He placed his hands on both of your shoulders, his fingers easily covering them, "repeat your duty to me! Give me hope that you will survive!"

You stood straight as you nodded your head, "I am no one, merely a tool to be used. My name does not matter, for I am a child of shadow. I know no feelings, my only focus is the mission." These were the rules placed upon you at birth, the same rules that every assassin in your father's ranks knew.

"Your new mission is to survive," your father squeezed your shoulders as he looked down at you with determination, "Doflamingo is as cruel as they come. He will test you, try and break you. You do not falter and you will not fail. Remember, you are an assassin, I made sure of that."

You looked up at him, processing what he said, "how do I know I've achieved my mission of surviving?"

Your father looked down at you with tears in his eyes, "by living by any means necessary, now go pack your things."

You nodded your head, still perplexed by what he meant by that. Perhaps in time you will figure that out, and who exactly this Doflamingo person was.

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