Chapter 5: Tomorrows Just On The Horizon

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For six years you trained under Doflamingo and his family, each one more formidable than the last. You kept to your word, ensuring Viola that you would continue to get stronger to hopefully one day usurp Doflamingo. Viola divulged everything she knew about him and the dark secrets that the kingdom held. You weren't innocent to say the least either, as you too had blood on your hands from carrying out Doflamingo's orders. It's not that you wanted to, but when given a mission, it was your sworn duty to carry it out despite how cruel it may have been.

With each passing year, the picture of the young boy you had in your possession made a name for himself, his bounty ever growing higher. Each time a new wanted poster would preview his face, you'd feel the pressure to preform better. Baby Five was a big help as well, as she was able to relay more information on him.

"Yeah one of the last things he told us was his full name," Baby Five hummed while practically skipping beside you gleefully, "Trafalgar D. Water Law!" The two of you were finishing up fighting a small group of citizens who claimed to of known the truth behind the toys. Your brows furrowed at the long name as you clasped your hands behind your back casually, "and you said he's three years older than me?" You being nineteen now meant that he had to be twenty-two, and already making such an impact on the seas.

"Yup! He was scary when he was a kid," Baby Five frowned while crossing her arms, "he showed up one day claiming he wanted to kill everyone and everything because he was going to die." She rolled her eyes sarcastically at that comment, "but then he went behind young masters back and ruined everything."

You frowned at her comments, "yeah I got told that Trafalgar ate the devil fruit Doflamingo wanted," you sighed while turning down an alley way, "and then escaped."

"Hey! Don't forget to call him by young master," Baby Five hissed while nervously glancing around, "you know he doesn't like it when you address him by his name!" She pouted while grabbing your arm and gently shaking it, her round puppy eyes glaring at you.

"I know," you scoffed, "it just feels weird saying it," you admitted while jerking away so she would stop shaking your arm. You emerged from the alley way and into the bustling city of Dressrosa, people scurrying around with kids laughing and toys just as happy. Or so they appeared. You wanted to feel something for them, any ounce of guilt, but if you divulged into your emotions, then you would have a hard time disconnecting from your missions. It was hard enough already forming an emotional tie with Viola, you couldn't keep letting yourself slip up.

"Looks like Viola is doing her daily scouting," Baby Five mentioned as you watched her take center stage and begin to dance while scanning the crowds of people that engulfed her. You gave Viola a short nod as you walked past, signaling to her that the mission was accomplished. Her eyes squinted slightly as she threw a rose at the crowd and then bowed.

"I think she's done too," you mumbled while slowing your pace, "you go ahead, I'm going to wait for Viola." You stopped by a light yellow brick wall as you waved goodbye to Baby Five, watching as she shrugged her shoulders and quietly say she'd report back to Doflamingo.

"I take it your mission went well?" Viola smirked while dabbing her face with a red hand towel, her red and black dress fluttering in the wind.

"Yeah," you said as you leaned against the brick wall, it cooling down your back while you closed your eyes. You were pretty exhausted, it felt like you were being worn thin from how much Doflamingo was bearing down on you. He was constantly testing you by sending you on more and more riskier missions.

"Have you been sleeping lately?" The concerned voice of Viola caused you to reopen your heavy eyes as her blurry face slowly became more clear the more you blinked them. You pushed yourself off of the wall, "been trying to," you sighed while flipping your hair behind your shoulder.

"I worry about you sometimes," she frowned while guiding you away from the town square, her voice low and cautious.

"No need to worry about me," you waved her off while yawning softly, "I've always been a night owl," you chuckled. Viola stopped you by placing her body in front of you, her hands resting on both of your shoulders. You looked up at her as she was taller than you and met her motherly gaze, her lips curling to form a disapproving frown.

"You know just as well as I do that I can see right through your lies," she began her spiel, "you're wearing yourself down trying to be perfect. You're only human, you need to rest." She wagged her finger in your face as she clicked her tongue, her head shaking side to side from the sheepish smile you gave her.

"My father always said that there is no room for human emotions," you said matter of factly, "that it only creates failure." The way you recited his words caused her cheeks to turn red from annoyance as she reared back. You knew you were about to get an earful when she would pause and inhale deeply.

"Well your father-" you cut her off immediately by covering her mouth with your hand, the smallest glint in your eye as you let a small laugh pass through your lips. Viola's shoulders slumped as you felt her frown dissolve into a gentle smile of her own, her jaw unclenching.

"I was also going to say..." you released your hand off of her mouth as you too took a step away, "that you're an exception to that rule. You make me somehow feel more human."

Viola scoffed, "your father's rules have always been inhuman," she pointed out while walking away. "My father could never agree with his militant beliefs, but our kingdoms have always been civil with each other," she added as you strolled beside her.

"It's the only way I know," you mumbled under your breath as you stared straight ahead. She was leading you towards the shore line, a place you quite liked as you enjoyed watching the vast open sea. It was also the only safe place where you and Viola liked to speak in private without the worry of prying eyes.

"Doflamingo is planning on sending you away soon," Viola's voice was barely audible over the crashing waves as you stepped foot onto the soft sand. You inhaled the warm, salty air while outstretching your arms in front of you, your hair gently tickling your cheeks as it fluttered in the breeze.

"That's been the end goal the entire time," you breathed out while pushing your hair out of your face, "to go assassinate Trafalgar Law and officially become apart of the family." You met Viola's gaze, "Although you did complicate things because now I've sworn my allegiance to you and old King Riku," you smirked a little, but then dropped it once you thought about your father and his wishes.

Almost as if sensing your guilt, Viola reassuringly bumped shoulders with you, a confident smile adorning her face, "don't worry, while you're away, I'll figure something out for us. Doflamingo will go down." 

You didn't respond, instead you sat down on the white sand and pulled your knees close to your chest, watching as the sun sunk slowly beneath the horizon. Your thoughts were filled with dread and anxiety, but for now, you wanted it to be washed away by the soothing sounds of the waves and embraced by the remaining sun rays. Viola took a seat next to you, her presence comforting as she watched the sunset with you.

"Let's just stay like this for a while..." you whispered nonchalantly, your stomach twisting into knots as you began to slowly fear your fate.

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