Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

In this story, Maya didn't collapse on the treadmill and wasn't pushing herself, that day at least.

"Oh, my god." That was all Amelia was able to say before tearing up and sliding down to the floor, not being able to believe that the badass, "take on the world" firefighter was gone. "Oh, god." She said again, tears starting to fall from her eyes.

Meredith and Amelia were in that closet, just sitting there in silence for what seemed like hours when the door opened and a nurse walked in, shaking them out of their trance. They looked at each other, stood up and made their way to Meredith's office. Meredith and Amelia could only imagine how the station would react to the news that they'd lost one of the leaders of the house. The glue of the house.


Ross and Vic were driving back to the station in the aid car in silence, neither knew what to say. What could they say? Nothing would make this situation any better. Nothing would bring Andy back. It was a sobering thought. 19 had lost one of their best firefighters and more importantly, a friend, a family member to the whole crew. Ross knew this would hit them hard so while Vic was driving, able to focus now unlike earlier, Ross called dispatch and told them that station 19 would be out of rotation until further notice. Vic looked at her, surprise showing but also understanding why she did it. There was no way any of them would be able to focus.

When they got to the station and into the barn, neither was able to move. They didn't know how to go about this. It was silent between them for a couple more minutes.

"We'll both tell them together. I know it'll be hard but they need to know," Ross said simply and opened the car door. Vic followed her lead and opened her door and followed Ross through the barn and up to the beanery where Ben and Travis were. Both men looked up when they heard them come on.

"Hey Hughes, Chief." Travis greeted. "What's up?"

Vic swallows and decides she should be the one to answer and looks at Ben. "Do you mind rounding everyone up and telling them that we need to talk to them? Beckett included." Ben nodded and started to walk through the station. Almost one by one the firefighters came into the room. Ross went to A shift's fridge and grabbed a bottle of water, trying to calm herself down. She grabbed a glass and poured some for Vic and gave it to her before taking a sip herself. Vic took it gratefully and downed it, just realizing now how dry her throat was. She walked to the sink, put the glass in and when she turned around she saw Maya with Carina coming in. Behind them was the rest of the firefighters.

They gathered around the table and sat down. Maya looked around the familiar faces and then turned to face Ross and Vic.

"Where's Herrera?" she asked. At that, hearing Andy's name Vic's eyes closed, trying to hold it together.

Ross sighed. She was looking around, taking in their faces, Carina was too thinking Maya just didn't see her. She furrowed her eyebrows when she realized they were indeed missing a lieutenant and everyone looked confused.

"Where's Andy?" Carina asked, repeating her wife's question, looking between Vic and Ross when she saw them look at each other she knew something was wrong and her worry grew. "What happened?" worry clearly heard in her voice by everyone and Maya grabbed her hand and looked at Vic.

"Weren't you and Herrera on an aid car call?" Maya asked, looking at Vic.

Vic looked at Ross and Ross nodded, indicating that she would do the talking. "They were. But when they got to the scene they saw the police pinning down a young black man and even though Herrera and Hughes got them off of the young man the situation escalated." That had most of the firefighters rolling their eyes except for Robert, Maya, Carina and Travis. "Dixon showed up, he was playing the situation the hard way and the man tried to run, Herrera caught him but the police had pulled out their guns and teasers." Ross looked around and looked at the frowns that formed.

Robert remembered how there was that day a few years ago with the cops and the kidnapped girls and how close he was to getting shot. Oh god. "Who got shot?" Robert asked and everyone turned to him before turning back to Ross.

Ross closed her eyes and breathed out. "When Andy was trying to grab a hold of Jamal again a shot did ring out." Ross paused. "It took some time to get everything calm again and when it did Andy and Vic started to lead the young man towards the aid car to get him home to his mom but we saw Andy stumble." Ross paused and watched Robert's face drain of blood.

"No." He said and everyone looked at him. "Do not tell us what I think you're about to." Robert begged. Not wanting to hear what was coming.

"You guys need to know." Ross continued. "We got her into the aid car and began to drive to the hospital, her vitals were stable until halfway to the hospital. Her vitals started to drop but thankfully we made it with her alive. Barely, but was still alive."

"Just get to the point." Ben blurted out.

Ross and Vic looked at each other and Vic raised her hand when Ross opened her mouth, stopping her from talking. Vic looked at the faces of the people that have become her extended family. "They took her into surgery but it was too late." Vic looked down. "there was nothing anyone could do."

"Say it, Vic. I need to hear you say it." Jack told her, looking down, tears forming in his eyes.

"She died an hour ago," Ross said instead and heard the gasps and cries of the station 19 family. 

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