Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

Travis's running for Mayor happened a little bit earlier than in the show. Loved a Vic/Andy moment and I wanted to add it in this chapter.

Miranda was pulled out of the memory when she felt the couch dip. She looked to her right and saw Ben and Joey. Joey had tear tracks on his face, her husband not fairing much better. She reached for Joey's hand while keeping one of Pru's back.

"it's going to be okay." Miranda said while running her hand up and down Pru's back. "it's going to be okay."

"Is it?" Ben asked, a single tear falling.


Vic was still at the station, in shock at what had happened.

"Vic, I have to head to the office, and start the paperwork explaining what happened tonight, you going to be okay to get home?"

"I'll take her home, Chief." Travis interrupted. Coming up behind Vic and resting a hand on her shoulder.

Ross nodded and let them go. Travis kept a hand on Vic's back and directed her out of the station, Vic barely able to move.

Once they got out and into Travis' car, they began the way home when they were stopped at a red light.

"Vic, talk to me, please." Travis pleaded, looking over at his best friend. He hated seeing how broken she looked.

"There's nothing to talk about. Andy's dead because a stupid cop shot at a young black man and Andy stepped in front to protect him." Vic snapped.

Travis looked down for a moment before looking back up and seeing the light change. When they got to their house, they both went their separate ways to get changed. Vic walked into her room and closed the door. She walked over to her dresser to get some clothes when she saw a picture of her and Andy together and her eyes welled up with tears. How was she supposed to go on without her when she was one of the few people, next to Travis, who knew everything about her. Who knew how she struggled with Dean's death so much that it led to her going to his boathouse and them sharing the moment between them talking about being pregnant and Andy telling Vic she had an abortion when she was younger and in school. Vic found that she was one of the few people that Andy talked to about anything. As far as she knew only Michelle, Robert and she knew about her having sex with Beckett. She knew how much Andy regretted it. She knew how big of a mistake it was and could barely look at herself knowing she had taken it too far just because she was hurting and wanted to hurt Robert. She remembered the day at the boathouse. It was the first time in a while that she and Andy had connected with each other in years. She remembered everything about them being at the houseboat.

"This is your errand?" Andy asked, confused. 

"Someone bought it. We have to say goodbye." Vic told her, looking around for something. 

"Looks like the Millers moved everything out," Andy said after looking through the window. When she turned around, she saw that Vic had grabbed a key that was hidden under a plant and walked to the door. "Oh, so we're breaking in." Andy was not amused. 

Vic smiled thinking about it, she knew Andy was a badass, but she still cared about following the law. 

"No. We got a key. No breaking needed." Vic told her and Andy was just looking at her with a concerned expression. 

"Just because we have a key doesn't mean Okay, this is happening." Andy had tried to stop her, but she wouldn't listen. 

Looking back made her emotional. She hadn't thought about Dean in months and now with Andy dying it's like that pain came back full force and Vic didn't know how to stop it.

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