Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Ross and Vic turned to face Jamal and Andy. "Hughes, Herrera," Herrera looked up, feeling lightheaded. "Get Jamal home to his mom, okay?" Vic and Andy nodded but when Andy went to take a step she stumbled and Ross saw it. Andy let go of Jamal and tried to take another step but stumbled again.

"Herrera?" Ross asked. "Are you okay?" Ross watched Andy look up at her, fear clear on her face. Andy looked down and pressed a hand to her stomach. When she pulled her hand back she saw blood on her finger tips. Ross and Vic noticed and Vic rushed forward before Andy fell and hit the ground.


Vic helped Andy down to the ground gently while Ross ran over to the aid car to get the stretcher while Vic worked to find where the bleeding was coming from and then grabbed some gauze from the med bag.

Vic looked up to Jamal and saw that he was frozen. She looked up at the cops who were still at the scene and saw the one female cop and noticed that she was driving alone. She made eye contact with her and nodded towards Jamal. The officer looked for a moment before coming back over, hands up and talking to Jamal. Obviously trying to convince him that he would be safe with her and that she would take him home. When Vic saw him nod and move towards the cop car she looked back down to Andy.

"Andy. Andy, please stay awake." Vic pleaded. "I need you to stay awake." Vic watched Andy's eyes slowly open. "Hey, there are those amazing eyes." Vic said with a smile, "Andy, what the hell happened?"

Andy looked at Vic, pain clear in her eyes. "G-G-Gu-Gun" Andy managed to choke out. "a gun went off."

Vic looked shocked for a moment before remembering how before the scuffle there was still a cop with his gun out. She remembered now hearing a gunshot but she thought it missed everyone. "Oh god." Vic looked back down at Andy. "I need you to hang on, okay? I need you to be the strong woman I know you to be and I need you to hang on." Vic watched Andy open and close her eyes. "Andy, please. Hang on!" Vic begged. She couldn't lose another friend. She couldn't lose anyone else in such a short amount of time. It hadn't even been two years since the loss of Dean and she was still reeling from that. Vic looked up when she heard Ross coming back over with the gurney, heart monitor and O2.

"Hughes, how is she doing?" Ross asked, lowering the gurney, and looking over to where the two firefighters were.

"She's barely staying awake Chief," Vic told her, tears in her eyes.

Ross brought the O2 and heart monitor closer and when she saw all the blood she knew it was bad and that it would be hard for anyone to survive this kind of wound.

"Vic." Andy coughed. "I need to say something." Andy gasped. "In case I- in case I die."

"Hey hey. No death talk. You understand me, Herrera?" Vic grasped one of Andy's hands while Ross worked on taking Andy's shirt off and attaching the monitor. "You're going to be okay, Andy. You have to be okay." Andy looked right into Vic's eyes. She knew that she wouldn't make it but knew Vic needed to hang onto the smallest amount of hope.

"Vic," Andy looked at Ross and then back to Vic. "I need you to tell Robert something for me." Ross looked at Andy but didn't say anything. While she and Robert had history she knew that Andy was married to him and that he helped her through one of the hardest times in her life. Ross turned away, got a blanket, covered Andy with it and then went to move the air car closer to give Andy some privacy. "Vic," Vic looked at Andy and squeezed her hand, letting her know that she was listening. "I need you to tell him that I never stopped loving him" Vic nodded, she knew that. The way Andy still looked at Robert was not the way an ex-wife normally looked at their ex-husband. "Vic, I lied to him." Vic looked surprised. "I never filed the divorce papers," Andy told her and Vic didn't know what to say. They all thought she had filed them after they had the Crisis One training day between the two houses. Andy's coughing brings Vic back to the moment. She saw that Andy was beginning to cough up blood.

"No. No, Andy, hang on." Vic pleaded, finding it harder to hold back her tears.

"I kept them in Marina's freezer." Vic looked confused before letting out a watery chuckle.

"Did you really just combine Maya and Carina's names?" Vic asked, a tear falling down her cheek.

Andy tried to smile at her but it turned into a grimace so she nodded. "Easier to say." Andy coughed again, more blood coming up, running down her chin. "Vic, I need you to know how much I appreciate all of you at the station. I love all of you so much, okay? I am so sorry for all the mistakes I made." Vic shakes her head.

"None of that matters now, Andy. What matters is that you stay alive. You're the fucking glue of the house. Through all the hard times with Dixon and Beckett now, you're the one who's keeping morale high enough for all of us to keep going." Vic didn't care anymore and let the tears fall. "Please stay with me, Herrera," Vic said as Ross was back and taking the backboard off the gurney.

"Hughes," Andy said in her authoritative voice that captivated any room of firefighters and snapped Vic back to her. "I need you to tell Bishop how sorry I am for how I treated her when she first made captain," Andy told Vic and she nodded. "Thank you for everything, Vic," Andy said as her eyes slowly closed.

Vic looked at the heart monitor and saw that Andy was stable but she looked at Ross, knowing it may not stay that way for long. "We need to get her to the air car and to Grey Sloan right now," Vic stated the obvious and Ross just nodded. Vic put the oxygen mask over Andy's mouth and nose and helped Ross move Andy onto the blackboard and then they moved her to the gurney along with the Heart monitor and O2 and rushed her into the back of the air car. Vic tosses Ross the keys. "You'll be able to focus," Vic explained. "I'll be too busy thinking about my best friend. I need to be with her and keep her alive." Ross nodded.

"I understand, Hughes," Ross said and closed the back doors and then rushed to the driver's side, turning on the sirens and rushing down the streets towards the hospital. Ross decided to call ahead and tell them that she had a firefighter being rushed in with a gunshot wound. She shook her head. She doesn't know how she missed it. They all heard the gunshot ring out. Her eyebrows knotted together. Adrenaline. Ross thought. Andy was so busy helping Jamal, trying to calm him that she probably didn't even feel the bullet until after. Just when I thought Andy Herrera couldn't impress me more, she goes and does this. Ross thought to herself, shaking her head. Andy didn't deserve this and just hoped she would make it through this alive. 19 couldn't lose anyone else.

This is killing me to write but I'm glad you guys are liking it.

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