Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

Some flashbacks are going to be what happened in the show, some may be made up. Prepare for a long chapter. A long and emotional chapter.

Ross and Vic looked at each other and Vic raised her hand when Ross opened her mouth, stopping her from talking. Vic looked at the faces of the people that have become her extended family. "They took her into surgery but it was too late." Vic looked down. "there was nothing anyone could do."

"Say it, Vic. I need to hear you say it." Jack told her, looking down, tears forming in his eyes.

"She died an hour ago," Ross said instead and heard the gasps and cries of the station 19 family.


There was a silence that overcame the station. No one knew what to do. Vic grabbed a chair and sat down beside Ross. She was resting her head in her hands when she heard a loud sob. She looked up and was greeted with Maya Bishop sobbing into her wife's shoulder and shaking. Vic looked at her and felt the tears falling from her eyes. She knew Maya and Andy had been best friends since the academy and that this was probably killing her.

Maya got pulled into Carina's embrace. Carina was trying to stay strong but she had gotten close to Andy too but she knew her wife was struggling right now. She knew that Maya needed her to be the strong one right now. She held her sobbing wife in her arms while Maya was overcome with memories of Andy. She remembered the first day at the academy. The day she met Andy.

Maya had come into the training late when she stood beside Andy.

"I thought there would be more."

"Excuse me?" Andy had asked, looking at Maya.

"Thousands of applicants, 28 recruits, only two women. Seems like they could've done better than that."

Maya looked at Andy and instead of Andy replying to her comment she just said that she should tuck in her shirt. "They're pretty strict about dress code around here. Strict about everything, actually. Not that that's a bad thing. Strict is good. Strict saves lives I guess." Andy told her and looked away but then back to Maya. Andy cleared her throat. "I'm Andy."

"Maya Bishop." Maya said as they shook hands.

"Right, yes. Of course. The Olympian." Andy said in a playful tone, a playful grin on her face too.

"Former," Maya told her, not looking at Andy.

"Hmm. What's the story there?"

"No story," Maya told her, not wanting to talk about her past. "It's who I was. This is who I am now."

"What's your story?" Maya had asked back.

"Same. I don't have one." Andy told her.

Maya looked at her. "But your dad does, right? You're Herrera's kid?"

Maya watched Andy roll her eyes. "If you knew who I was, then why'd you ask?

"I was curious to see how you'd answer. A lot of people would lead with the fact that they're a legacy."

"Well, I don't. Doesn't mean anything."

"No?" Maya looked to the right and then faced forward. "Instructor heading this way."

"Just because we both have Veginas doesn't mean you and I have to be friends." Andy had said and Maya was slightly taken aback.

"Sure thing. Only and, well, I say this from years of training by myself there's safety in numbers. And when it comes to us vs. all the rest of these guys one thing that we should probably consider is sticking together."

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