Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight
Carina saw a picture of the three of them across from the couch and her eyes welled up again. "we're going to miss you so much, Andy." Carina said while standing up and grabbing the picture and walking back to the couch and broke down into sobs. She was alone, wallowing when she felt Maya sit down beside her and wrap her into a hug. "What are we going to do, Maya?" "I don't know, Car. I really don't." Maya replied, tears rolling down her cheeks. "Things are never going to be the same."

Ben raced from the station to the hospital, hoping that his wife hadn't heard from someone else. When he got to the front desk, he looked at the surgery schedule and saw that his wife was in OR 2 right now. "Shit." Warren let slip out loud.

"Ben?" Someone behind him questioned. "What are you doing here?" Ben turned around and saw Amelia.

"Amelia," Ben breathed out and looked at her. He saw that Amelia's eyes were still puffy. "You heard," Ben stated more than asked.

Amelia nodded. "I ran into Meredith earlier and she told me," Amelia told him, not feeling up to getting into details.

"Are you okay?" Ben asked her, not wanting her to wallow in her grief.

"I know I didn't know Andy that well, but I have known her since I moved here and had watched her around Meredith's kids. I just can't believe that she's gone. And from a gunshot of all things."

Ben nodded. "All of us at the station are having a hard time believing it too. I'm just worried about how my wife will react."

"How will your wife react to what?" Ben heard Miranda's voice come from behind him and the hairs on his neck stuck up. He wasn't sure how Miranda would react to the news, but he knew It would need to be done privately.

"Let's go to your office to talk, Miranda," Ben said before she could reply he started directing Miranda to her office. When they got to her office Ben closed the door and was about to lock it when there was a knock on the door. Ben sighed and opened it and was surprised to see Jo and Helm at the door.

"What do you two need?" Miranda asked before Ben could.

"We just heard some nurses talking about what happened and wanted to make sure you were okay." Jo told her.

"Heard what? Does someone want to tell me what the hell is going on?" Miranda asked, getting the feeling something bad was going on, creating a pit in the bottom of her stomach.

Ben sighed. "Earlier tonight there was a Crisis One call." Ben paused. He didn't want to add too much suspense, so he just rushed it out. Andy and Vic were responding to it. When they arrived, they saw a young black man being pinned down. They desiccated it but Micheal Dixon showed up and made things worse. His officers got riled up and when some chaos happened one of them pulled his trigger."

"Oh god," Miranda whispered. "Who got shot?"

Ben looked down. "Miranda, it was, I um." Ben cleared his throat.

"Ben, just tell me," Miranda begged.

"It was Andy, Miranda. It was Andy." Ben rushed out, looking at Miranda and watching her face fall.

"Oh, God." Miranda cried out and Ben wrapped his arms around her. Ben watched Jo and Helm leave and was grateful he didn't need to ask.

"Oh, God, Pru." Miranda pulled back and looked Ben in the eyes.

"I know, I know how much Andy meant to Pru. I know how much Andy told her stories about Dean."

"Was Vic injured at all?"

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