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Primal instinct. The animal side of the brain. My primal side and human side make up the balance of my mind. Sometimes i love it and sometimes i hate the fucker. This is actually one of the times that i love and hate it at the same time.

Being a convict on the run brings up many challenges, those challenges being mercs who think they can take me down and bring me into slams for a giant payday, these types of challenges are nothing but a little speck on a white canvas. this certain merc got lucky.....luck.....not much of that being known of anymore.

Mark, the merc who had somehow got me sedated enough to chain me up, gripped my chin and made my bright green cat(my eyes work just like a cats allowing me to adjust them in light or dark places making me able to see in the dark)eyes level with his dark blue/grey eyes. A growl worked its way up from my stomach, to the back of my throat, and through my clenched teeth.

"Calm yourself tessa. No need to strain yourself when you are still drugged."

" bastard!"

"watch your language!"

A stinging pain lit up the side of my face letting me know the fucker had slapped me. And here i was thinking that when i got out i would give him a quick death....not anymore. I snarled and fought as he and two other men fought me to get a bit in my mouth. Finally they got it in place and locked it. picking me up by my elbow, hands chained behind my back, feet chained together, and eyes blind folded, he dragged me up to the front of a line boarding a ship.


By the smell, its female. Smells like grease and leather. captain or co-captain of the ship.

"She will need to be put in a lock down cell and i will take one close by to her."

"im sorry but a cop took up that only lock down cell we have."



i tilted my head and took in his scent. Smells like a merc but she said cop.....bastard's smart dressing like a cop would. I smirked as best as i could with a bit in my mouth. Mark grounded his teeth in annoyance.

"Johns. What are you doing here?"

"im taking a convict to the slam. You know, riddick."

"i doubt he would have been caught by he likes of you."

"well then you better believe mark because he is in a cryo cell now."

mark tightened his grip on my elbow as johns footsteps moved away and farther into the ship.

"Well damn."

"do you still want to board?"

"yes, i'll just have to improvise."

"follow me. Im carolyn fry co-pilot of the hunter gratzner. call for me if you need anything." her voice held sympathy. Sympathy for i doubt it, but she probably doesnt even know who i am which i find offensive.

Mark pushed me into one of the cells and started to chain me up tighter.

"No way in hell will i let you go. Not when im so close to retiring. johns that bastard!"

silent footsteps came up beind mark.

"I see you have caught your own payday mark. And if im not mistaken, i would believe it to be tessa the well known asassin."

"what do you want johns?"

"nothing.just letting you know not to take your eyes off of her."

he walks away with a chuckle, most likely a smirk as well, mark punches the wall beside my head and checks my chains again. Once he is satisfied he closes my cell doors and sends my human side into cyro sleep. soon everyone else follows...well everyone else except for the alpha male who is right infront of me. I flex my muscles and growl lowly and he counters with one of his own that vibrates through my body and straight to my core. i shiver and force myself to sleep.

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