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Have you ever felt like you had lost half of your air in your lungs?

it's not fucking fun! This goddamn planet has this problem. And to top it off from what i can see it has three suns as well.

I had been running away from the crash ship towards sunset when i had found a grave yard. These bones were huge. There were chunks of bone missing like it was ripped apart. I giggled and trailed my fingers over the markings.

Voices caried over the hill, it sounded like kids. Maybe the holy man's kids. Ducking under the bones i sighed in relief as the shade consumed me. Crouching down i stalked around and watched as the group, led by johns and mark, walked down the hill and started looking at the bones.

Slipping out the knives on my wrists i moved silently closer to the blond woman sitting on the ground. Johns walked up and handed her a bottle of spirits. Halting i tilted my head and listened to their conversation.

"Probably shouldnt do this. It dehydrates you more."

She takes a sip and hands it back to johns. He smiles, fucking merc, and tops it.

"What did owens mean when he yelled 'dont touch that handle'?"

"he was trying to stop the docking pilot from dropping the cargo."

"the docking pilot being?.."

she gave him a look and it dawned on him. He smirked and placed his cap on her head and helped her up.

"Guess im more lucky to be here than i thought. This is just between us carolyn i promise."

Third-person POV:

the two walked away and tessa put away her knives. Huffing she slunk back into the shadows then froze. She wasn't alone. Fixing her eyesight she looked into the shadows around her and saw eyes reflecting back at her. Hissing a warning at him she started backing away. She shuddered when he countered with a deep growl that echoed through her and down to her toes. Holding her breath she tensed when he started walking towards her very slow and deadly. She shot out her wrist knives as a warning making him stop and tilt his head at her chuckling.

"Been a long time since i smelled beautiful~"

"stay away from me riddick."

"fighting spirit...i like that in a woman."

"Well I don't like you. So stay away from me unless you want me to ghost you."

"Oh really?~"


He stepped closer making me step back and was cornered between him and a bone. Growling I nipped at him and kicked a leg up towards his chest. He caught it and used it to hike me up and made me wrap my legs around his very toned and delicious body-NO CALM YOURSELF TESSA!!! He pinned my arms above my head and sniffed my neck. Shivers traveled through my body and I nuzzled my head between his neck and head. I couldn't help it his scent was too much. A delicious musky smell.

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