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(I do not own riddick or anything other than my oc. What she wears and her body image.has long black hair and green eyes.)


the silence of the ship was deafening. Tessa smirked and dislocated her fingers slipping her hands out of the cuffs and popped them back into place. Clenching her fists, making sure her fingers weren't broken, she popped her neck and took off her blindfold. Messing with her bit she couldnt get it off,scowling as best as she could with it in her mouth. She left it and moved to the chains around her body. Dropping them around her feet she looked around for a release lever and found nothing. Sighing she started kicking at the glass in front of her with her booted foot. Cracks erupted on the surface, with a growl she kicked once more with more force and the glass gave away. Jumping out and landing in a crouched postion she scoped the room and saw no threats. Growling came from behind her, turning slowly tessa came face to glass with the other convict. Grinning sinisterly she tapped on the glass and raked a claw down it causing a painful noise. The male inside cringed at the noise and jerked at his restraints. Tessa bit on the bit and growled in annoyance. Walking away she looked around and narrowed her eyes on marks cyro tube.

'So easy...but not yet. Not time yet must make him suffer.'

tessa pov:

'I need to find something to get this stupid bit off!'

i decided to walk up towards the front where the pilot flies the ship. Poking my head in i saw nothing to help. Punching the metal wall i made my way back through the other cyro tubes and look around the back. seeing another door, i skipped through and started to toss things around when suddenly the ship started shaking badly.

'What the hell!?'

running back towards the front and dropping the blowtorch i had found near my old tunb, i watched as little meteors shot through the walls of the ship and into the cyro tube of what looks like the captain. The ship started shaking even worse when suddenly two cyro tubes fell open and a man and carolyn, by the smell, fell out and onto each other. I jumped up and grabbed onto pipes and pulled myself up and hid myself.

"The captains dead!"

"Fry why did i fall on you. We are only twenty two weeks out! it's to early for gravity so why did i fall on you!?"

"Owens! did you not hear me?! I said the captain is dead!"

the man turned and looked at the dead captain.

'Poor man, looked painful~'

The man cursed and scrambled to his feet with carolyn or fry as called her right on his heels.

'Must be serious shit if they run off like that....or they just like to be over dramatic like me~'

i tilted my head and listened in on their conversation up in the cockpit (idk if that is the right word) when i could feel the ship start to spin out of control. I hung on tight to the pipe i had clung onto and felt the weight of the ship has lessened. I blinked and relised someone had dropped one of the containments of the ship. I felt another push and knew they dropped another. I saw the door between where the man and fry went, close.



I banged my head hard on the pipe under me when we touched ground. I gasped and dashed forward at the sound of creaking metal just in time, for the back gave way and some of the cyro tubes flew out the back.

'Close call...'

The ship, or whatever was left, came to a stop and i dropped down and picked up the blow torch that had somehow survived the crash landing. I turned it on and made quick work of my bit. i threw it down and turned to run when i saw that the alpha male had escaped. I grinned. Let the hunt begin~.

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