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Answer the questions and see if you can figure me out and see who wins.~)

Punching the bone in front of her she growled and glared out into the day. Riddick had gotten the better of her and took her favorite knife from her waist band. The knife that her mom gave her! Her most treasured item she had taken with her when she became a criminal on the run.

'He had better watch his back!'

I chuckled and disappeared back into the shadows just as the three Muslim boys walked past with the boy with the female scent. Following them closely I watched as they found their father and he led them away. I felt a jolt in my stone cold heart.

I placed my hand over my heart and looked around confused, was my heart finally beating again after all these years over four little pups? Shaking my head I looked back to where they disappeared to and slowly smiled, the feelings feel odd to me.

Deciding to go back to the crash sight I turned and jogged back the way I came, keeping a close eye out for riddick. The fucking bastard! About thirty minutes later I see the crash ship and slow down to a soft trot and ducked down so I wouldn't get seen. Suddenly gun shots ran out and I fell to the floor.

'WHAT THE BLOODY HELL!' I crawled over the mound and watched as a male lowered the gun he was holding and walked over to the woman and smaller male next to her. A man laid at their feet dead. I giggled and covered my mouth when the guy with the gun looked around towards me. For the next few minutes I watched as they laid the dead man on a sled looking thing and the guy dragged him off. Smirking I silently followed and slipped my wrist knives out and stepped out from behind one of the mounds. He stood and wiped the sweat off his forehead and was breathing heavily. Grinning a sinister grin I slowly and silently stalked over to him and raised my knife but froze, something was moving under the tarp. I backed up and hid again as he threw the tarp off the hole and jumped down. Sensing his death was near I, for some reason, ran and quickly yanked him out, he pulled the trigger on the gun he had grabbed from his pocket and nearly hit me. We both hit the ground as we heard something shriek in pain. We watched as something scrambled back into the hole and disappeared back under ground.

I stood and dusted off my clothes just as I heard someone scream out"zeke!" 'Just great...'

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